The Letter & The Train

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Setting: a few days later...

     I wake like any other day in the cave with a yawn and a stretch, I'm not actually sure how long I've been living with the lions in the zoo, but I'm enjoying the leisurely lifestyle. I fold up my blanky and put it off to the side where my school bag once was-I had to throw it and the contents out when one of the cubs did their business on it-not that I mind, I hated that bag. So now I'm just down to my blanky, my bunny, and my book. I sit on the cave floor, raking my fingers through my hair as I decide what I'll do today. It's a sunny day, so plenty of people will be here today-meaning I can't really leave the cave-reading my book it is! I pull out my book and start reading the tale of 'the fountain of fair fortune aloud to the lion cubs while most of the lions and lionesses are out wandering the exhibit.

"The three witches and the knight set off down the hill together, arm in arm, and all four lead long and happy lives, and none of them ever knew or suspected that the fountain's waters carried no enchantment at all. The end," I say finishing the story as I notice the cubs lazily sleeping around me.

     I roll my eyes with a smile on my face as my filthy fingers run through the closest ones fur as it contently at my gesture. I'm just finishing putting my ratty, knotty hair in a loose when I hear a commotion coming from people outside the exhibit...what the heck could be going on now? The last time their was excitement outside, was when I met that boy in the reptile house. Just as I'm about to go check it out, an owl swoops into the cave and lands near me; I jump so high that I nearly hit my head on the top of the cave. People outside I panicking that an owl got out of the bird exhibit, but somehow I doubt that's the case.

     The bird advances towards me making bird noises as it drops an envelope in front of me; it starts hoping about as the lion cubs try to play with it. I'm more worried that I'm going to get caught in here if the bird doesn't leave soon; I try shooing it away, but it only hops about making its bird noises instead-the hell does this bird want? I don't speak owl-as if reading my mind, the owl nudges the letter towards me with its beak. Confused, I pick up the letter and the moment I do, the owl takes its leave and flies out the way it came. More confused that ever, I stare at the envelope-turning it over and over in my hand-it looked like some crazy old school writing. Who the hell sent it and how the bloodily hell do the know my name and where I am? Am I being stalked...

Ms. Jemima Wibble
Land of the Lion exhibit
London England Zoo

     The front address reads, I flip it over and there is no return address either; I turn it over to see that it's sealed with wax, and bares more words as well as the strangest coat of arms I've ever seen. Feeling a churning on my insides, I carefully and rather hesitantly pry open the envelope. Is this some new form of thing from the police? Has my living here been found out? These questions and others kept racing through my mind as I opened the envelope and pulled out multiple pieces of paper...

Dear Ms. Wibble,
     We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Students will be required to report to the chamber of reception upon arrival, the dates for which shall be duly advised. Please ensure that the utmost attention be made to the list of requirements attached here with. We very much look forward to seeing you as part of the new generation of Hogwarts heritage.

Yours sincerely,
Prof. McGonagall

     The hell? What's Hogwarts? I've never hear of the place before...I don't even remember apply to any magic school or any school at all for that matter. Still utterly confused, I pull out the attached list of requirements...

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