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Setting: Jemima's p.o.v.

I wake to a splitting headache and hold my head as I sit up...I'm really starting to wish I followed Draco and his idiots back to castle instead of walking into this whole mess...

"Ms. Potter," comes Snape's voice

"Wh-where's S-Sigrid?" I ask looking around

"Ms. Black can take care of herself," Snape tells me

"Wh-where's H-Harry?" I ask glancing around and only seeing Hermione and Ron

"He went after Sirius," Hermione says quickly

An eerie sense of panic, fear, and worry comes over me, and is soon replaced by the familiar feeling of the life and joking being sucked out of me. I scream out at the feeling with the other unable to make my screaming cease or figure out why I am, I soon feel a sort of amazement come over me, and then darkness takes me again...
(3rd person)

Both Harry and Jemima lay past out, Harry near Sirius on the stone covered ground by the still frozen over lake from the dementors, and Jemima back by the womping Willow with Ron, Hermione and Snape from feeling what Harry had felt. The sudden sound of a whimper turns the attention of Snape, Ron and Hermione toward the direction of the forest, where a white wolf covered in red soon collapses not to far away from them and shifts back into Sigrid Black...

"Oh my god," Hermione murmurs at the sight

"Sigrid!" Snape hurries to her

"He's innocent Sev..." she whispers between consciousness

"Don't talk," he instructs her in his usual cold tone, "your losing too much blood."

"I'll be f-fine Sev," she whispers, "I'm n-not g-going...anywhere."

With that she finally passes out, Snape reels back the little emotion he had been showing and returns to be stone cold before he starts chanting an advanced spell of healing. The bleeding eventually completely stops, and the wounds become minor. Once done, he stands and starts leading Ron and Hermione back to the castle...

"Should we really be leaving them Professor?" Hermione asks

"Ms. Black can take care of herself," Snape says flatly, "she'll get Ms. Potter when she wakes, and Mr. Potter and Sirius Black will be collected later."

A few hours later, Sigrid stirs awake and forces herself to get up; she stumbles a bit in balance at first, but slowly and steadily makes her way over to an unconscious Jemima. She lugs Jemima's full unconscious weight to the castle hospital wing, only to find Harry laying a bed also unconscious and to break down upon learning her father's fate. Sigrid fleas the hospital wing in tears and hours later, Jemima wake before Harry...

"Hermione..." Jemima murmurs

"You're awake," Hermione replies quickly

"How's Harry?" She asks sitting up

"Still unconscious," Hermione says

"And Ron?" Jemima asks

"I'm fine thank," he says from opposite of the room a little further down, "sorry about...ya know, the whole Slytherin-one eye-evil thing..."

"I-its f-fine," Jemima says with a smile, "h-holding g-grudges isn't r-really m-my th-thing."

"..."Ron and Hermione stare at her

"Y-y k-know," Jemima starts, "unless y-your c-certain p-people."

"What do you see in Malfoy anyways?"Ron asks

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