Giving Trust

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Setting: Spring time; Jemima's p.o.v.

I've had very little conversations with Harry since that day in Hogsmead, he found out I was dating Draco, pulled me aside and yelled at me for not telling him. It's not like I wasn't planning on telling him, I just wanted wait till we were on the train home before doing so is all...see if our relationship even lasted that long. Apparently I need to watch how late I stay up as well, because I become very opinionated and mouthy as some teachers have put it, and I also agree to thing without thinking them through and not to mention that I don't remember any of it the next day. In other news, Sigrid managed to get the map without being caught and I told her what I heard in the pub and what happened with Harry. She was furious as first, but then she apologized and said she'd talk to Harry; she then got this look of determination on her face as she showed a Romula and me, but mostly me, how the map works.

"To open it," she starts, "we tap it with our wand and say 'I solemnly swear the boys are up to no good' see."

"Messer. Wings is proud to present: the Marauder Tracker," Romula reads aloud

"Who's Wings?" I ask

"That's irrelevant at this moment," Romula says

"Rommy," Sigrid snaps

"Well it is Siggy," she says

"It looks like any other map of the world," I say looking at it

"Watch this," Romula says, "Fred Weasley."

Within seconds the map changes from that of the world, to that of the school, and shows a pair of moving feet with small sign reading 'Fred Weasley' under them. He's in the great hall with another pair of feet that read 'George Weasley' under them...they must be pulling a prank....

"As you can see," Sigrid says, "you just say the persons name, and whether they're dead or alive, it shows you where they are."

"So who are we looking for?" I ask

"Romula had a try," Sigrid says, "so why don't you give it a go Feathers."

"..." I stare at both of them a moment as they both nod in agreement, "Harry Potter."

Almost immediately the map changes from the great hall to the DADA class room, and both Harry and Moony's feet and labels appear on the map. What's he doing with Professor Lupin? I wonder as I watch the map; I suddenly feel the same way I did on the train and I hear a man screaming before I Black out on the bathroom floor. When I wake again, Howler is shoving chocolate in my face as Fur stares at the map...

"What was that about?" I ask

"Moony may have told me that Harry asked him to teach the Patronus charm to him," Howler says quietly as she helps me up, "my guess is that your feeling the effects of Harry's first go at it."

"Girls," Fur says suddenly

"What?" Howler and I ask at the same time

"You're both gonna wanna see this," she says beckoning us towards the map

"..." we stare at each other for a moment before going to stare at what she sees on the map

"Its not possible," Howler whispers, "that's not possible!"

"And yet its there," I say as we watch a pair of feet moving about the halls with a label reading 'Peter Pettigrew.'

"Looks like Padfoot was right," Fur says

"We have to show this to Moony," Howler says

"No," Fur snaps, "none of the marauders are supposed to know about this map, you know that."

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