Return of the book

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Setting: the next two chapters take place after Harry finds the diary, uses it to go into Tom Riddle's past, Hermione is petrified, and during the time goes to see Hagrid, and has the rendezvous/attack with the spiders in the forest; library...

     I finally managed to get rid of that diary; I can finally get some much needed sleep, without fear waking up somewhere I don't recall going, or that I've done something under Tom's control. Christmas was alright, Mrs. Weasley sent me a sweater she knitted with a J on it. I love wearing it, it's so nice and warm; I also got another mystery gift this year, Jareth brought it to me. The strange part is how eager he seemed to get back to the owlry once the parcel was in my hands; I was surprised to find myself holding a brand new copy of The Tales Of Beedle The Brad, but who sent it, and why? Why do they insist on keeping me from being able to thank them properly...I can't even think of anyone in Hogwarts who would even want to give me anything, and Luna just gives me a card.

On a less pleasant note, school is once again nearing its half way over mark and I'm dreading that they're going to send me back to live with Mr. Wibble for the summer; the headmaster still hasn't been able to get in contact with my godfather. I don't wanna go back with him, I don't wanna go back to him ever; I don't wanna spend my thirteen birthday in misery and fear of what I know he'll do again. However, the entire world seems to be against me for some reason or another...I know I can't change the past and it doesn't help to dwell on the what ifs and what might've beens, but I can't help wondering how things would've turned out if...

Harry & I were never separated...

If our parents were alive & raising us...

And if I had never taken interest in Ginny's diary...

What am I think; if I hadn't, then Ginny would've been the one to talk to Tom and what not...I sigh and shake my head; well, that's enough of that. Break will be over soon and poor Hermione is still in the hospital wing coughing up hair balls...I still feel bad, I mean, I'm the one who gave her the hair thinking it was Millicent's hair. It's practically my fault she in the hospital wing coughing up hair balls now, and Ron's probably convinced that I did it on purpose because I'm a Slytherin and all. I wish I could tell Harry who I am: that we're siblings, but that could put us in danger of what though? So many questions, zero answers, not to mention the twins know...everything about me and I'd really rather prefer it if they didn't, but oh well...

"Are you Jemima Wibble; the secret keeper?" Someone asks from in front of me and pulling me from my daze

"..." I nod my head and gesture for her to take a seat

She stares at me for a moment and I at her; she's a seventh year Gryffindor, her hair is black and straighten down to just slightly below her shoulders, her eyes are a striking gray color-almost like Draco's-and her skin is whiter than I've ever seen...

"I'm Sigrid White," she tells me, "though, it's not my real last name; I'm not allowed to use my real last name...I was told it's for my own protection...from the ridicule I'd get for who my father is and all..."

"..." I close my book and ready myself to listen as the secret keeper

"I was born in the forbidden forest," she whispers once I've gestured for her to carry on, "lived there till I was six,...centaurs killed my mum and I was sent to live with my dad. I wasn't even with him an entire year; only about nine months...he, uh; he um...had to go way after that, and...and um...I was forced to stay with my grandmother. She was an awful, spiteful woman till she died when I was ten..."

       She continues to tell me her story and I can see the sadness in her eyes and how much she misses her family, despite not having been around them for very long. She's not actually an orphan like Harry and I, but in some ways, she might as well be. Her mother dead, her father...being where he is...

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