No Human Friends

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Setting: nearing the end of September and beginning of October...

     I still have no friends, not that I care; I've got Jareth and he's all I need...I found the ashes of my baby blanket laying on top of my bed when I got back that day. That Pug-face Perkinson  was smuggling so obvious that she's the one who put them there. I excel in charms and pretty much all my classes; I'm no where near as smart as Granger, but I'm the second smartest after her, what can I say...I'm a quick learner. I spend any and all free time anywhere I can be left alone to read: library, where the owls are, and the second year girls bathroom-no one else goes in there. It's where I made my only friend: Myrtle.

     The day I met her, I was hiding Pug-face Perkinson; I was already feeling low that day without her help, and I just couldn't take much more of it-even the creepy, quiet girl needs to cry sometimes-so I slipped into the first door I could reach...

"Whose there!" A voice screeched from somewhere in the bathroom room

"..." I look around confused

"Who are you?" She says popping up out of a toilet

"..." I stare at her

"I'm Myrtle," she says, "the call me moaning Myrtle."

     With that she begins to fly about and whine and cry; she explains to me that people don't normally come in here because of her and so I take the liberty of letting myself cry my eye out. I finally let myself be vulnerable and let my guard down for the first time since I was living with the lions in the zoo. I cry for not knowing who I am or my family, I cry over the loss of Mrs. Wibble, the years of bullies and abuse, the loss of my eye, the monster that is my stepfather Mr. Wibble; I cry and cry and cry till my eye is numb from doing so. I sit quietly on the floor of the empty bathroom while Myrtle resides on the sill of the circular window above. With one last sniffle, I pull out my book and quietly start reading the tale of Babbitty Rabbitty and quietly snickering at it every now and again.

"The Tales of Beedle the Bard..." Myrtle says from ow behind me, "aren't those children's tales?"

"..." I ignore her giggling comment

"Read it loud," she practically demands, "I haven't heard those stories in ages."

     I stare at the ghost for a minute before I quietly begin to read the story aloud to her; by the time I finish it, I find her floating next to me. Once I finish, she insists that I read her the others; by the time I've read all the tales in the book, I had found that I had just made my first friend. Myrtle said I could come in her bathroom as often as I like, so long as I bring new books to read to her. Eventually I ended up hangout in the second year girls bathroom so much with her that I started opening up to and talk to her. Now I have Myrtle and Jareth; it's a bit easier to deal with the bullies when I have somewhere to hide that no one else will follow me too.

     I was on my way to see Myrtle when I fall short at the sight of Peeves throwing books at students-people say that he only listens to the Bloody Baron-but I've seen him appear in Myrtle's bathroom for story time. He just appeared one day and has been showing up in there ever since, he just floats and listens to me read and sometimes he does commentary. Currently he's mainly throwing them at Hufflepuffs,' he laughs every time he hits a student and mutters something about points. Of course he made a game out of it...

"Peeves!" I snap

     Him and everyone else in the hall stop to stare at me; I don't normally talk outside of Myrtle's bathroom, except in class and to enter the common room...

"What is it Orphan," he says displeased that I interrupted his fun

"Come on," I say holding up the book I had just taken from the library, "or shall I tell the Bloody Baron about the trouble you were causing Slytherin house?"

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