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Setting: just after the Quidditch game between Gryffindor & Slytherin...

     After Harry won the Quidditch game, every Slytherin griped about it-especially Malfoy-I on the other hand was glad Gryffindor won. I saw our team cheating, I'm mostly glad Harry didn't die out there from whatever the hell was going on with his broom. I sat in the stands amongst the other Slytherins and quietly watched as everyone else cheered excitedly, it was my first time seeing Quidditch or any sport up close really. The moment I saw our team cheat though, I started secretly rooting for Gryffindor. It's currently November, and I am really looking forward to everyone leaving Hogwarts, at then I'll have some peace from people trying to get me to talk and my fellow Slytherin bullies.

"A whole Christmas holiday with out pug-face and the prince," I tell Jareth quietly, "now that is music to my ears."

     He hoots in agreement  and rubs his face in mine as my thoughts drift back to the Quidditch game: Harry and the broom, Hermione disappearing from the Gryffindor stands, the fire that broke out on Snape's robe in the teachers box and how before that neither Snape nor Quirrel's eyes left Harry's broom. In all honesty, I don't get Quidditch at all, the most of it I understand is that indoor to win and end the game, you have to catch the snitch; the rest of it se ms more like a crazy confusing death sentence if you ask me. I was scared for Harry the whole time he dangled from his broom while all the other Slytherins laughed at the sight. I was sure I'd have at heart attack till he was finally able to remount his broom and go after our seeker.

     I watched in amazement as Harry flew standing on his broom, and then dread as he tumbled off and coughed up the snitch. I didn't cheer, but unlike my fellow Slytherins, I was smiling with pure joy that we lost and Gryffindor won. I snickered at the sight of a really down Malfoy too. I wanted to immediately run and hug him after the game with how much pride I felt, but I didn't. It took everything in me to not do that, and confusion as to why I felt pride and the need to congratulate him when I don't really even know him.  Why are there times I feel need to protect him?

     After the game and some time with Jareth, I make my way towards the library to find a new book to read to Myrtle and Peeves. Along my way, I caught a glimpse of the golden three walking and talking with Hagrid; I watched for a bit as a bad feeling started to brew inside my gut. I continue on my way as the three start coming back towards the castle; I make it to the library just before they do and go to my usual corner. I skim through the spins of the books on the shelves looking for one on the history of Quidditch-in hopes to better understand it-with no such luck, someone must've checked it out already.

     With slight disappointment, I go back to the common room where yet again I have the unfortunate luck in running into Malfoy; only this time he's alone. Pug-face and the goons aren't with him? That must be a first. Usually the princess of Slytherin is always somewhere near by her prince, but I don't see Hyde nor hair of her or the tweedles. He's just sit on the couch...well he seems occupied, no need to ruin that. I'll just quietly go up to the girls dorm and grab my book before quietly leaving again. No point in starting anything unnecessary right?

"Why don't you talk?"

     His voice stops me in my tracks and I spin around to find him starring directly at me; I don't answer, I just stare at him. I could answer, but I don't like him...or want to; I have Myrtle, Peeves, and Jareth, and they are all I the dick burned my blanky. We stare at each other for a moment longer before he stands and struts over to me like he owns the room or something...

"I know you can talk," he says when he's directly in front of me, "you do it in classes and from what I've heard..." a smirk slips on his face, "your story times are rather entertaining."

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