The Start

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Setting: where we left off; Jemima's p.o.v. only

     I left Draco and his gang for my usual isolated seat at the end of the Slytherin table; he and I haven't really talked since the one and only time I called out to him in the mirror shard. Once everyone is seated at their tables and first years have been sorted, we listen to the frog choirs sing a ballad of the witch's spell from Shakespeare's Macbeth and I start observing. I notice a new teacher sitting next to professors Snape and the headmaster has gotten a new hat; I look around the four tables the best I can, everyone at Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw's tables seem normal...why wouldn't they be though...they're not the houses with the stupid rivalry. Looking over the Gryffindor table to as far as my eye can strain to see, I notice an overly excited silver haired girl, beaming and smiling giddily towards the man next to Snape. I guess that must be Romula's father then? I also notice, not too far off from her Sigrid White-or should I say Sigrid Black- sits, starring rather funnily at she still worried, afraid maybe? My thoughts are soon ended with the disperse of the frog choirs and the the start of the headmaster's yearly annual speech...

"Welcome; Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore starts, "now, I would like to say a few words before we become too befuddled by our excellent feast. First; I am pleased to welcome Professor R. J. Lupin, who's kindly consent to fill the post of defense against the dark arts teacher..."

So that man is Romula's father then, but is he really my godfather? The man stands as Dumbledore wishes him luck and nods to everyone; he has tall and lanky with light brown hair and green eyes. He has scars all along his face, and looks to be every nice...if he truly is my godfather, then I'm sure I'll meet him soon enough. As everyone claps, I notice a bit of something going on down the way between Draco, Harry and his friends...great, we're not even eating yet and Draco's already starting. Dumbledore soon continues, telling us that one of the teachers is retiring for some reason to do with his limbs and that Hagrid will be taking over for him.

Just about everyone claps and hollers and whistles him, I let a happy laugh slip through as he moves the teachers table when he stands at McGonagall's nudge to do so; Dumbledore then soon continues...

"Finally, on a more describable note," Dumbledore continues, "I go a request from the Ministry of magic: Hogwarts will; until further notice, play host to the Dementors of Azkaban. Until such a time as Sirius Black is captured..."

"..." I glance around the room to everyone whispering about the news; Romula is eyeing Sigrid with no longer happy eyes and Sigrid looks as though she wants to leave and run, hide somewhere despite Dumbledore still talking. Poor Sigrid, it must be hard, have your father be an escaped convict...not that I would know, I've never met mine.

"They will be stationed at every entrance of the grounds," Dumbledore goes on, "now, as I've been assured that they're presence will not disturb our day to day activities, a word of caution: dementors are vicious creatures, they will not distinguish between the one they hunt, and that gets in their way. Therefore, I must warn each, and everyone of you to give them no reason to harm you..." I follow his gazes as he seems stare directly at Harry, "it is not in the nature of the dementor to be forgiving..." I soon feel my blood run cold, as Harry's probably is doing right now, "but you know...happiness can be found, even in the darkest of time...but only if one remembers, to turn on the light."

With that said, the feast soon gets underway and people converse on the matter of Sirius Black, not feeling much of an appetite, I push my plate away from me and continue watching my surroundings. I notice as sad tint to Sigrid's eyes as she continues to stare at Snape and soon leaves the great hall. Romula-who has been sitting next to her-keeps looking between her father and the doors Sigrid just left out of, before she too leaves, and follows Sigrid out. When I look back to the teachers table I notice the slightest change of expression in Snape's face, but can't decipher what it is before it goes back to one of stone coldness and I catch Professor Lupin starring in my direction. Something strange is going on around here...besides Sirius Black being loose, and I think it has something to do with my supposed godfather.

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