Chapter 31

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-Author's Note-

Hey! I have a long and emotional chapter for all of you lovelies! Enjoy!

-Loki's P.O.V-

"Loki, I'm going to have Jarvis scanning (y/n) throughout the night. You don't need to stay here. I have a spare room." Tony tries to convince me to sleep elsewhere but I'm not leaving (y/n). If Tony can't find any other way to fix her and she does forget me, I want to spend as much time with her as possible.

"No, I'm fine here." I say reluctantly.

"You're going to sleep on a metal bench?" He asks sarcastically. I shoot him a glare and he shrugs. "Fine, but I'm going to sleep. And Loki?"


"Try anything stupid and I'll have you sedated and locked up until Thor comes for you." He warns. I ignore him and stare into the glass container.

"You've been warned. Good night." With that, Tony steps into the elevator the doors slide closed. The large lights go out and the only light is the tiny red beams that Jarvis is using to scan (y/n). After destroying the picture of me with the darts, she's had nothing to do. She's just slumping against the glass, back to me. I can tell she's awake. As far as I know, she hasn't slept in days. My hope is slowly fading as the days pass. Tomorrow is the last day before Heimdall drags me back to Asgard. (y/n)'s  back presses up against the glass each time she inhales. I slowly push the metal bench so that the end of it is touching the glass. I sit back on it and lean backwards. I can feel the warmth of the glass where (y/n)'s back is. It comforts me to feel her warmth.

"He's going to wipe my memory." (y/n)'s voice startles me. I turn my head slightly but she's still got her back to me. I stare at my lap, my green robes reminding me of (y/n)'s outfit that she made.

"We don't know that. There could be another way." I reply quietly.

"I'm going to forget everything and I'll be forced to live the rest of my life as a waitress or something..." It's strange, I didn't expect someone brainwashed to kill, to still feel emotions.

"At least you'll be safe. Also, your record will be cleared. You won't have to keep running from SHIELD."

"So, I won't want to kill you either... Would you visit me?" Questions are whizzing around my head. Why is she asking me this if just a few days ago she was trying to murder me?

"I don't know if I'll be allowed. It would be selfish to ruin your new life. To endanger your safe life." I feel a lump in my throat. My mind wonders how such a being could bring me to tears like that.

"No, they'll never let you visit me. We should just run away. We can be together!" (y/n)'s whispers echo through the room. I know I'm being recorded, but I also know that as soon as I let her out, she'll be at my throat.


"Why? We could be happy together. I love you." I feel her silver tongue trying to entangle me in her lies.

"I love (y/n)." Tears threaten to spill down my cheeks, at least she won't be able to see me like this.

"I am (y/n)..." 

"No, you're not."

"Look," Her tone seems to have changed to a more manipulative one. "You and I are the same. Both of our tongues are dipped in silver. We could bring this world to its knees."


"Just let me out, Loki..." She hisses. "Let me out or I'll never love you. You'll be alone!"

"No." Tears run down my face and flow into the cracks in my lips, the salty taste that I've gotten used to over the years causing me to relive old memories.

"I hate you! No one cares about you! I see why Thor was chosen to be king instead. You're a monster, a filthy blue creature of darkness. I'm looking forward to slitting your throat and letting the blood run down the rainbow bridge of Asgard!" It tears me apart to hear her saying these things but I keep mentally saying to myself that it's not her. It's not true, she's deluded. It's not her. 

Loki... (y/n)'s voice echoes in my mind. My eyes widen as I prepare for her to attack my thoughts like she did the last time.

"Stop..." I whisper.

Loki... I'm going to kill you. I hate you...

"Stop..." I cry again, bringing my knees up to my chest and burying my face into my knees. My armour scratches at my face and my hair tumbles over my arms.

You think you had the perfect love story? We'll you didn't, life doesn't work like that. In this story, your the beast. The beast the terrorises the town and murders Beauty.

"No, Beauty loved the Beast, and the Beast loved her..." with every beat of my heart, I feel another piece of it chipping off.

Tell me, if the Beauty loved the Beast so much, how come I don't love you?

"Because it's not you!" The fabric of my shirt is damp and sticking to my face. "I want (y/n) back... I love her..." I suddenly hear a rapid movement and a thud on the glass. 

"Loki!" (y/n) gasps. I don't want to turn around. "Loki, it's me!"

"You're manipulating me... I want (y/n)..."

"Loki, please. I don't have much time here. It took all I had to get just a few moments here..." The words tumble from her mouth so rapidly that if your hearing wasn't as sharp as mine, you wouldn't be able to hear it. I still don't turn, it's a trick. "Fine, don't turn around. I wanted to say, don't listen to the other me. Don't let her get to you. I love you, everything will be fine." I perk up. It's my (y/n), she's back. I spin around and there she is, her eyes have gone back to the beautiful (e/c) that I know. She presses her hand against the glass, I place my hand on the other side to mirror hers.

"(y/n)! My darling... You're back..." I cry, wanting to break through the glass and hold her in my arms.

"Yes, but not for long." She smiles for the first time since that evening before the war.

"I love you so much..." I try to look strong for her but I can't help falling apart before her.

"Loki, let Tony wipe my memory."

"What?" Has she gone mad?

"Please, it's the only way. I don't want to keep hurting you like this. Don't argue with me, I don't have time." I begin to protest before silencing myself. I suddenly find myself lost for words. "Loki, I love you so much. Whatever the other me says is just a delusion. Don't listen to her. Don't let me out even if she seems like me. Okay?"

"(y/n), there are so many things I want to tell you. So many things I want to do to you! Stay with me..." I beg, pressing both hands against the glass, desperate to get through.

"I'll always be here," She smiles, pointing to my heart with her other hand. "I have to go now, it hurts to stay too long."

"Can you come back before Tony..." I trail off.

"I can't promise anything. That's why you should make the most of what we have now. Goodb-"

"Let me kiss you!" I cry out. She looks surprised and worried.

"Loki, I have no idea when the other me will come back, it's too risky."

"Please! This might be the last time I can ever be with the real you!" (y/n) looks just as desperate as I am, but she doesn't give in. It's funny, she's stronger than I am.

"I'm sorry. Just be strong. I'll see you later, though. And when we see each other again, we'll have some tea!" This brings a smile to my face.

"And shawarma too." I laugh quietly. She giggles.

"Yes, and shawarma." I want to live in this moment. This perfect moment. All of my tiredness hits me at once and I feel my eyelids drooping. The last thing I see before I fall asleep is the beautiful beaming smile on (y/n)'s face. I can't even begin to explain how much I love her smile, how much I love her.

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