Chapter 27

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-Loki P.O.V-

"Get off of me!" (y/n) screams. Keeping (y/n) under control is a tricky task. I would say that it was my cunning wits that got me out of that room, but it was actually the Tesseract. It's amusing how it keeps appearing when I need it. I suppose it only appears to further the plot. Intentional fourth wall breaking. I managed to silently teleport out of my room and into (y/n)'s cell. From there it was fairly easy: Knock (y/n) out, restrain her and teleport the hell out of there. I was hoping that the Tesseract would teleport us somewhere in Midgard but it only got me to the start of the rainbow bridge before disappearing. Things seem to be getting worse and worse now that (y/n) has woken up.

"Don't worry, we're going to get out of here and find a way to get the old (y/n) back," I say soothingly, walking (y/n) across the bridge. It's hard to get her to walk when she keeps struggling.

"As soon as you let me out of these restraints, I'm going to kill you..." She hisses, reluctantly moving forward.

"Yes, I know. You've said that four times already." I sigh. "Do you remember anything before wanting to kill me?" (y/n) doesn't answer, but seems to stop trying to break free from the enchanted chains wrapped around her. We're almost at the Bifrost. My mind is still desperately trying to figure out a way to get past Heimdall. "I mean, I understand if you don't reme-"

"Falling." (y/n) cuts me off.


"Before I wanted to kill you, I remember falling." I want to stop and look her in the eyes but I know I must keep moving. 

"Where were you falling?" I ask, trying to keep the conversation going.

"A mountain I think... It was cold, there was a blizzard..." (y/n)'s face seems to be in deep thought. "I was... Going after something. Something that I really wanted. Something that I couldn't lose..."

"What was it?"

"I... Don't know. But it was important." We finally reach the Bifrost. Heimdall stands proudly by his sword. We haven't exactly been on good terms since I froze him.

"Loki..." He says calmly.

"Heimdall," I reply. "I need to go to Midgard."

"You know I can't allow that. Especially with a prisoner."

"Heimdall, please. You can see everything. You know what Thor wants to do to (y/n)." Heimdall's expression confirms my suspicions.

"And how is going to Midgard going to solve anything?"

"There mortals down there... They have quite advanced technology, they could help!"

"And what if they can't?" He looks at me expectantly.

"Then I will return here. My brother can have his way. Midgard is (y/n)'s last chance. I have to try." He takes a deep breath and looks at (y/n).

"Three days." He sighs. "I'll give you three days to see what the Midgardians can do. When those days are up, I'll drag you back here and Thor can deal with you."

"Thank you..." Heimdall lets out a sigh of annoyance and turns his sword in the slot. In a flash, me and (y/n) are teleported to a grassy area just outside of a city. New York to be exact.

"Where are you even taking me..." (y/n) growls as I push her along towards the city.

"To see a man. He has technology beyond many other mortals in this realm. He has worked with my brother, so I believe he is reliable." My mind switches back to the conversation we were having before. "You talked about falling. Do you remember anything after that?"

"Everything after that is blurry. I can't remember what happens. But I do recall seeing a flash of blue light and then... I wanted to kill you..." And with that, (y/n) starts ferociously struggling again.

"I really hope Stark can help her..." I mutter as I shove (y/n) forward towards the city.

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