Chapter 21

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-Author's Note-

I want to thank you guys for the support this book has been getting. I fear that this fanfiction is drawing to a close. I've been thinking about a sequel but I've also been thinking about just make the book longer so that there won't need to be a sequel. Also, I've recently discovered a google chrome add-on called Grammarly. It is basically a grammar and spelling checker. Since Wattpad doesn't have one of these, Grammarly has been extremely helpful with keeping my writing to a professional quality. This is sponsored but I highly recommend getting to help with your writing! Here's a link if you want to try it out, it's free:

You jump. Loki's hand tightly holding onto yours, you ready your weapons to plunge into the mighty king of the fire giants. He still hasn't noticed us... We might just- A fiery metal hand swings around collides with your chest. Loki's hand is wrenched away from yours as another hand smashes him in the opposite direction.

"Did you really think you could sneak up on me?" A voice growls. A voice so deep and menacing that the mountains seemed to tremble upon hearing it. You get up slowly, fingers tightening around your sword's hilt. Across on the other side of the rocky platform stands Loki, holding his sceptre. Your feet are only inches away from the edge of the cliff. You finally get a good look at the beast in front of you. Although roughly the same height, the king looks very different from other fire giants. His armour is double plated, there are no weak spots that you can see from your distance. His shoulder and knee plates are covered with spikes and he wears a beard and crown of flames. In his hand, he wields a massive sword, made of what you can only describe as a thousand raging fires.

"We've come to stop you." You declare. The king sits up straighter in his throne that had been carved out of the mountain. He probably made the whole platform just for this moment.

"And why is that, you were the one to declare war on my people!" He booms.

"I made a mistake! I wasn't thinking straight!" You cry out.

"That's what they all say. Those fools who think they can match my army. Then they realise that I am too strong and they beg for forgiveness."

"You are the only fool!" You snap. The flames in his eyes change to a deeper orange, almost red.

"What did you say?" He asks threateningly, baring his metal teeth and leaning towards you from his chair.

"(y/n)..." Loki mouths to you and shakes his head. You turn away from Loki and stare right into the eyes of the king.

"I said... You are the only fool here! You kill without reason!" Rage bubbles from inside you.

"Let me remind you girl..." He growls, getting up from his throne. He looks so much taller when standing up. The King takes a step towards you. You take a step back before remembering that the edge of the cliff is right behind you. But you manage to keep your balance. "That you were the one to declare war on my people! That you brought my army to your kingdom! And that you did so without any thought of the consequences... And now you will pay the price." He lifts a metal hand in the air and prepares to bring it down on you. Suddenly, a bolt of blue light hits him right in the back. The King drops his hand in pain, giving you the chance to duck and run behind him, over to Loki. His sceptre is still pointing towards the beastly fire monster.

"I can't let you win," Loki shouts. A smirk spreads across the giant's face.

"Loki Laufeyson. Son of King Laufey and adopted son of Odin. What a surprise this is..." He suddenly charges towards you. You grab Loki's hand. Wings extending, you leap into the air, pulling Loki into the sky. You drop him onto the giant's blazing head. Holding on tightly to the metal crown, Loki plunges his sceptre deep into its skull. The King roars in pain and grabs Loki in one hand.

"Loki" You whisper. With his other hand, he drops his sword onto the floor and reaches for his head. He slowly pulls out the sceptre and stares at it for a second.

"Fools" He mutters as the sceptre melts in his fingers. The glowing blue crystal from the sceptre falls into the floor and rolls into the darkness. He then draws his arm back and throws Loki into the air. Loki reaches for the edge of the cliff. His fingers just miss the edge and he falls into the abyss below.

"No!" You scream and dive off the edge of the cliff. You tuck your wings in to gain more speed. You see flashes of gold and screen through the smoke as you speed after Loki. Clenching your fists, you tuck your wings in more to gain speed. You won't let Loki die. The summit of the mountain comes into view. I'm not fast enough! Your body starts to spin. Around and around you go, gaining speed with every turn. The world is just a blur around you but your eyes are fixed on Loki. As he is falling, Loki looks up at you, reaching out for your hand.

"(y/n)!" He calls through the icy blizzard.

"Loki!" You cry. "Don't worry! I'm going to-" You stop in horror as Loki disappears from sight. Spreading your wings out, you instantly slow down just enough to land in the snow at the summit of the mountain. The fighting seems miles away as a blizzard seems to have kicked up and mixed with the smoke and the ash. "L-Loki?" You call out. The air chills you to the bone but there is no sign Loki.

-Loki's P.O.V-

I watch sadly as (y/n) dives off the edge of the cliff after one of my illusions. It's the only way to keep her away from the fighting. To keep her safe.

"You care a lot for a cold-hearted monster like yourself" The King growls.

"You're the monster" I shout, picking up the sword that (y/n) had dropped.

"So be it" The King booms, and wields his flaming sword. He swings it at me and I leap into the air, slashing his face. I slash at his face. It's no use. Whenever I take a chunk out of him, the flames seem to heal it. It's almost as if he was made entirely of flaming energy. Falling to the ground, I spot the glowing stone from my sceptre glowing in the shadows. Fighting energy... With energy... Realising what to do, I duck under the King's falling fists and run towards the blue stone. I manage to grab it just as a blade of fire slashes at my cape, setting it alight. I quickly rip the cape off my back and allow it to fly away into the blizzard. The King bends down to grab me again. This is my chance. I launch myself into the air and shove my hand right into the flames of his skull. I need to get the blue stone of energy as far into his head as possible. The flames lick and burn my skin. The pain is agonising but I endure it. When the stone is deep enough, the pull my hand out and fall to the ground.

"It's over!" I shout to him. The mighty beast claws at his head, desperately trying to take the stone out. He can't. The flames that engulf his body flash blue and diminish. He falls to the ground.

"Loki!" (y/n) screams, rising from below abyss below.

"(y/n)" I gasp in relief. She's safe. She flies over to me and embraces me in a hug. I'm relieved to feel her warmth.

"You really love that mortal, don't you..." You dying king grumbles. I take (y/n)'s hand.

"Yes. With all of my heart and soul," I stand up taller.

"What would you do to keep her alive?"

"Whatever it takes..." I say proudly, (y/n) squeezes my hand tighter.

"The tell me... Would you die for her?" A smirk spreads across his lips.


"Good" The King chuckles under his breath and reaches out. A bolt of blue shoots from his fingers and fires straight into (y/n)'s heart. The King finally falls limp.

"(y/n)!" I gasp. She doesn't make a sound. She just stands still, staring at the floor. The warmth from her hands is gone. "(y/n)?" I ask, placing a hand on her cheek and lifting her face up to look at me. Her eyes have turned an electric blue. I see her reaching for a knife in her boot.

"I'm sorry Loki, but I have to kill you now" 

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