Chapter 4

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You sneak through the hallways of the palace, Loki leads the way. Every so often you'll have to hide behind a wall and wait for guards to pass. You finally reach a set of golden doors.

"Looks like Odin isn't in there" You whisper.

"I can't just walk in. They'll arrest me" Loki says.

"No worries, I'll distract them" You smile. Loki tries to object but you've already pushed open the doors.

"Hello, boys!" You cheer. The guards that are spread out around the room all look at you.

"Who are you?" One of them asks.

"Me? Oh, no one important" You sigh, taking your knives out. The guards instantly jump into action and run at them all once. Your wings quickly grow from your back and you leap into the air. You notice Loki peeking through the doors with a stunned look on his face.

"A Valkyrie!" A guard shouts.

"Traitor!" Another cries. You shoot Loki a look and he snaps out of his trance, running towards the sceptre on the other side of the room. You try your best to keep the guards occupied.

"I can't be a traitor if I was never on your side in the first place!" You giggle and run the knife's blade gently across your fingers.

"The prisoner!" A guard screams. All of them turn around but Loki has already grabbed the sceptre.

"Stand back, mewling quims!" He orders pointing the sceptre at the guards. They slowly back away. You raise an eyebrow, landing on the floor. You hear loud footsteps coming towards the room.

"Time to go!" You call and start running. Loki follows closely behind you.

"Stop in the name of Odin!" You twist your head to see more than 30 royal guards chasing you and Loki.

"The Tesseract!" Loki shouts, catching up to you.

"Shit! I left It in the throne room!" You gasp.

"Don't worry, we'll just need to reach the rainbow bridge" You burst out of the doors of the palace. You take a shortcut through the gardens, which takes you right to the rainbow bridge. You've never seen in in real life before.

"Whoa..." You whisper. Loki chuckles, clutching his sceptre. The both of you cross over onto the bridge and keep running towards the large, metal dome. Every time you step onto the colourful platform, it makes a clinking sound. It feels exhilarating to have the magical wind rushing through your hair. You yell loudly, enjoying every second of it. The guards are still hot on your tracks. "Wait... Loki?" You ask whilst running.

"Yes?" He pants.

"Didn't Thor destroy the end of the rainbow bridge?" Loki's smile fades and the face of realisation takes over. Loki tries to stop but slips and the momentum slides him towards the broken end of the bridge. "Loki!" You shout, running faster. The Tesseract suddenly appears in your hands. You look at it before looking back at Loki. You know you only have one option. "Tesseract, when Loki touches you, teleport him to Earth." You tell the glowing blue box. It makes a buzzing sound. You take a deep breath. "Loki catch!" You shout, throwing the Tesseract towards Loki. Just before he slips off the edge, he catches the Tesseract and disappears into thin air. 

"Drop your weapons!" The leading guard orders. You drop your knives and put your hands in the air. You look down at the floor before looking back at the guards with a smirk. Extending your wings, you let yourself fall backwards off the edge of the bridge. You see the guards picking up Loki's sceptre that he dropped whilst trying to catch the Tesseract. You'll have to get that back sooner or later.

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