Chapter 24

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-Author's  Note-

I was thinking to begin the update schedule on Wednesday but then I thought... Why not now? So here you go! It get's emotional so brace yourself. *Hands you a box of tissues* To enhance the experience, I recommend listening to the soundtrack above. Enjoy!

-Loki P.O.V-

Thor and I tear through the halls of the palace, sliding around corners and bursting through doors. Our footsteps echo throughout the hallways, silencing the ones who dare to check what the commotion is. I know where the cells are better than anyone. The amount of times that I've been dragged through these infernal halls...

"Which cell?" I ask Thor who is storming ahead.

"129!" He calls back to me. The number sounds familiar. Then I realise, it is the cell that I was kept in. I spent countless hours in that cell. Now to return to it, not being a prisoner... It's- My thoughts are scattered as a shriek fills the hall. There she is. (y/n). But it's not her. It's a monster. A beautiful monster with the rage that wishes only to unleash on me. She's still wearing her armour from the fight. It's covered in mud and tinted red. The silky hair that I used to run my fingers through is ragged and wild. "Loki..." Thor begins. I ignore him, walking up the force field. (y/n) violently pounds against it, sending out ripples of orange. 

"(y/n)... This isn't you." I sigh.

"You monster! I'll kill you!" She screams, scraping at the barrier between us.

"(y/n), please. You can't let this control you. You have to fight it!" (y/n) is not at all phased by my pleads. Part of me believes she can hear me. But another believes that it's hopeless. "What has he done to you!"

"It has shown me a new way of thinking... It makes so much sense now..."

"Loki," Thor says, placing a hand on my shoulder. I turn away from (y/n) and her incoherent mutterings. "We don't think there's anything we can do. The magic from that infinity stone has just completely taken over her."

"So what are you saying? That you'll just leave her in these cells to die?" I shrug Thor's hand from my shoulder.

"That would be cruel, brother. We were thinking of... Ending her suffering. It must be really painful for her..." I finally realise what he means. I can't decide whether the stabbing feeling in my mind is anger or devastation.

"You want to kill her..." I whisper.

"Loki, I'm sorry. This is the only option we have..." I stay frozen to the spot.

-Thor's P.O.V-

"Brother, please. Say something..." I've never seen Loki like this before. He seems so... lost. I try to get an answer out of him by placing a hand on his arm. He yanks his arm away.

"Stop Thor! Just... Stop!" He cries out.

"Loki, I'm just trying to help." 

"Well, you're not helping Thor! Where were you to help when that fire giant was trying to kill me and (y/n)?" I can feel the peak of his rage coming.

"I'm sorry, Loki..." Then, all of his anger explodes at once.

"You're not sorry, Thor! Do you know how I feel?" Loki doesn't even give me the chance to answer. "I feel like my entire world is crumbling around me! I feel like I'm falling into an inescapable blackness. My only source of light is being torn away from me!" I don't know how to respond. I've never felt so helpless. My own brother is breaking down and there's nothing I can do to help him. Loki turns back to (y/n), who had been silenced by his outburst. He slowly places a hand on the force field. Loki's eyes lift from the floor to meet (y/n)'s sparkling blue ones. "(y/n)... Please... I love you..."

"Loki..." (y/n) whispers, leaning her head on the force field. Loki leans his head in to hear what she has to say. "I will never love you..."

"(y/n)..." Loki cries softly, still hoping that she'll come back.

"You know why?" I can almost hear every bit of Loki shattering inside of him.

"Why..." The sound barely makes it out of his mouth.

"Because you're a monster."

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