Chapter 3

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-Author's Note-

This is important. From now on, the story doesn't exactly follow the storyline from Thor 2. It's just so this plot can progress.

You sit, perched on a rooftop. Tonight is the night that you will sneak into Asgard. But to do that, you need the Tesseract. Even though Thor took it back to Asgard, you heard that he's taking it back to Earth for more experimenting. You have a good idea where it is as well. The airship. You've studied it's flying patterns, it should fly over you around this time. You are wearing a fully black suit, equipped with weapons and devices. (Imagine Katniss' black Mockingjay suit from "Mockingjay")

"Bingo" You smirk, seeing the massive airship in the distance. You put your mask on and get into a crouching position, wings growing from your back, ready to take off. When the ship gets close enough, you leap into the air and flap your wings. Your feet leave the ground and you fly as fast as you can towards the airship. You land on one of the wings and slip in through the air vent. Even after all this time, they haven't thought to block off the vents. "Now where is that Tesseract..." You mutter, crawling through the metal vents. You pull out a little blue box that looks like a mini Tesseract. It can track energy signals, specifically ones coming from the Tesseract. It glows dimly. You reach a part where there are two paths to take. First, you start crawling through the left tunnel. The tracker glows even dimmer. "Okay, right it is" You sigh and go back, taking the right tunnel. This goes on for a little while before you stop, the mini Tesseract glowing so bright that it looks like it might explode. You peek through the vent slots and see that there are four guards surrounding the Tesseract. All I need to do is touch it and it'll take me there...

You kick the bottom of the vent and you fall through to the floor below. The guards point their guns at you. "They aren't gonna help you" You laugh and press a button on your belt. It sends out a shock wave that disarms any weapon in a 10-mile radius. They pull the triggers but nothing happens. You give them an innocent smile before sending knives into the skulls of two of them. The third one tries to run at you but you jump over him and put him in a headlock. You see the fourth one heading towards the alarm and throw a knife directly into his back. He falls to the ground. "Finally, the Tesseract" You sigh, slitting the third guard's neck. The Tesseract glows brightly when you step up to it. "Now... Take me to Asgard... Take me to Loki" You order it. The Tesseract makes a buzzing sound before falling quiet again. You carefully pick up the Tesseract. It begins heating up and then almost blinds you with large flash.

"(y/n)?" Loki gasps. When your vision comes back, you see Loki standing in front of you. You are inside a cell with the Tesseract still in your hands.

"Told you I'd come" You grin..

"How did you get that?" He asks before he sees the bloodstained knife at your side. "You know you could just have knocked them out"

"Yea... But killing is more fun" You smile.

"You know... You're just my type" He says and gives you a mischievous grin.

"Oh please" You roll your eyes. "Now let's go"

"I need my sceptre" He frown.

"Where is it?" You ask, looking at the Tesseract.

"In the throne room. The Tesseract can't teleport there"

"Well then, we're going to have to be extra sneaky aren't we?" You smirk. Loki returns the smirk and you throw the Tesseract at the force field. The Tesseract electrocutes the force field with a strange blue light and the force field shatters like glass. 

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