Chapter 29

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-Author's Note-

Hey! I just noticed that I've almost hit 100 followers! That's so cool. I want to thank the people that are following me and I hope you're enjoying these new chapters. I wanted to make a bit of a funny chapter this time, enjoy!

-Loki's P.O.V-

It breaks my heart to see (y/n) being held behind glass again. Although, this time I know it's for the best. I'm grateful that Tony is helping me but I can't give myself to him. As soon as (y/n) is better, I'm leaving. I'd like to say I'm a man of my word but I'm the God of Mischief, it's just not in my nature to keep promises. We'll go back to Jotunheim, where we can rule together. We'll be happy and undisturbed.

"Why don't you go out and get some air? You look pretty tense." Tony says, looking at a holographic screen to his right. 

"I'm not leaving her." I say as have done every time he has recommended going out.

"It's not like she's going anywhere, we still have a long way to go. The amount of power inside of her is immense." I am unconvinced, but I do feel like to need some time to think. (y/n), Thor and the deadline. They're all stressful. "Come on, she'll be fine. I can handle her." I sigh. 

"Fine. But if anything happens, come and get me immediately." I order him. Tony seems unsure of the way I speak to him but he stays silent, just nodding. I head towards the doors.


"I know, don't destroy the city whilst I'm at it." I say, finishing his sentence.

"Actually, I was going to recommend a good shawarma place down the street," I look at him in confusion. "But that too." I quickly step into the elevator. As it descends, I ponder what shawarma is. I've heard Thor talking about it before but I've never taken much notice of what he says. Although, he spoke so highly of it so I might visit it. With my curiosity getting the better of me, I decide to go in search of this 'shawarma' place. As I leave the elevator and exit the building, I start to wonder where the place is. I'm getting strange looks from the people around me, the streets are quite busy. I stop the first human that I meet. It's a young man, in his 20's maybe. 

"Can I help you?" He asks lazily, taking two black plugs from his ears that are attached to wires.

"Yes, have you heard of 'a good shawarma place down the street'?" I ask, repeating what Tony had told me.

"Uh... yeah. Just carry on down that road and turn right into the small alleyway. It's not hard to miss." He tells me before walking on, putting the strange plugs back in his ears. I follow the directions that the Midgardian gave me until I reach a small shop. What a filthy place. Who would even want to go here?

-2 Hours Later- 

Shawarma. The food produced by the gods themselves. How does Asgard even survive without this! I was supposed to stop after the first one but the chef kept offering me more and well... How could I say no to such a heavenly blessing?

As I feel myself slowly sinking in my chair, the device in my pocket vibrates. I take it out. It's a mobile device that Tony gave to me so he can call me if anything happens. He's sent me a message. I spend five minutes fumbling around with the thing trying to get it to display the message, not realising my greasy fingers are making the screen all messy.

"Show me the message you incompetent Midgardian device!" I growl at it. I finally swipe the screen right with my finger and the screen changes to a picture of flowers with different boxes layered over it. I poke the box with a grey shape in it, the caption below reads 'Camera'. Suddenly, my face appears on the screen. "What kind of trickery is this!" The screen seems to mirror everything I do. I tap the screen again and it makes a strange noise and the screen flashes before returning back to the mirror again. I try pressing the small button at the bottom of the device and the screen flashes back to the one with the boxes. I spot a box with the caption 'Messages'. I tap it and another screen with a list of names pops up. Tony's name is at the top so I tap that. Then, a screen with a grey-ish background appears with a green bubble to the left of it. It reads:


You spent 300 dollars at the shawarma place!?

I remember telling the chef to bill Tony since I had no Midgardian money. I'm sure he's fine with it though. There's a box at the bottom of the screen telling me to write a message. I tap it and a series of letters and numbers appear. I press a letter. The letter appears in the message box. I seem to be getting the hang of this. Soon, I've produced a few short sentences.


Ah, yes. It was delicious. Thank you for the recommendation. I didn't have any Midgard money so I told the chef to bill you. How's (y/n)?

I tap the 'send' button and the message flies up to the right of the screen as another one of those bubbles. This amuses me. Another bubble to the left pops up.


She's doing fine. I think I'm making progress. Make sure not to stay out there for too long. SHIELD might get involved if they see you out in the city.

I quickly write out another message.


I should get back to (y/n) soon. Till later, mortal.

I tap 'send' and once again, the bubble flies up onto the screen. Tony replies with what seems to be a yellow face. It's eyes are looking upwards, almost as if it is rolling it's eyes.

"Are you mocking me?" I growl at the face. It does not respond. "Answer me!"

"Is everything okay there?" The chef calls from behind the counter.

"No, I am very not okay." I sigh.

"Would you like another?" He asks, gesturing at my plate from across the room. I hesitate.

"Ah, why not?" I smirk, getting ready for another round of delicious shawarma.

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