Chapter 7

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THUMP! You land face first into a pile of snow. You stand up, moaning in pain.

"It sure is cold here. Where is this on Earth... Antarctica maybe?" You brush the snow out of your eyes and look around. You are surrounded by rocky mountains encased in snow. The world around you is dark and bleak. This definitely isn't Midgard. Large, blue men start emerging from the shadows. Except, they aren't men. They are much larger than normal humans and have strange patterns covering their skin. Frost giants. This isn't Midgard, it's Jotunheim. "Why the hell did it teleport me here?" You whisper.

"Who are you?" The largest one growls, his red eyes burning deep into your skull.

"M-My name is (f/n) (l/n)" You stutter. Not because you're scared, because it's freezing. You can feel your fingers freezing around the sceptre and your lips are going numb. You can't fly because your feathers have frozen up and you can barely move your wings.

"What is a Valkyrie doing here? A servant of Odin?" He eyes you and steps closer.

"I think you'll find that I'm very much NOT a servant of Odin!" You snap and tighten your grip around Loki's sceptre.

"Then why are you here?" The frost giant seems to be losing patience.

"Well, I was trying to find Loki but I ended up here" You study the sceptre closely.

"Loki? What does a Valkyrie want with my son?" He questions. Your jaw drops. That's King Laufey. "Answer me!" He demands.

"Well... I helped him escape from Asgard. Now I'm trying to get back to him" You are shaking uncontrollably.

"I don't believe you. A servant of Odin is always a servant of Odin" As Laufey speaks, the other frost giants start to enclose around you. 

"I'm sorry but I really have to go" You laugh awkwardly and jump into the air. Your wings refuse to move and you fall back onto the floor. 

"Take her to the dungeons" King Laufey orders. The two frost giants grab your arms and drag you away.

"Aren't you going to kill me?" You ask. He normally kills intruders.

"No. I feel I may have a use for you at some point. If you really are an enemy of Odin" Before he walks away, Laufey snatches the sceptre from you.

"Hey! Give that back!" You scream and lunge at him. King Laufey turns around you whacks you in the head with the sceptre. You start fading in and out of consciousness as the frost giants drag to the dungeons.

-Third Person P.O.V-

"So you're telling me that you want us to help you get back to Asgard?" Nick fury raises an eyebrow. 

"That's exactly what I'm saying" Loki sighs, crossing his arms. The Avengers surround him, weapons ready.

"So you want us to help a wanted criminal go back to Asgard and save his criminal girlfriend?" Captain America asks, clutching his shield tightly

"She's not my girlfriend but yes, that's what I want you to do" Loki look

"You have the Tesseract, why don't you use that?" Bruce asks.

"You think I haven't tried that Shrek?" Loki snaps. You can see the rage building up in Bruce's face at that remark. Tony Stark immediately goes over to Bruce to calm him down

"I'd watch my tongue if I were you, Reindeer Games" Tony warns Loki.

"Anyway," Loki growls, rolling his eyes. "(y/n) said something to the Tesseract and now it won't teleport me back"

"And what are we going to do? Talk to it?" Hawkeye asks sarcastically.

"Precisely" Loki smirks.

"What?" Captain America raises an eyebrow.

"The Tesseract won't take me to Asgard, but it might take one of you" The Avengers look at one another before turning back to Loki.

"Why should we help you?" Nick Fury asks.

"Because if you do, I'll be in your debt" 

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