Chapter 26

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-Author's Note-

Wow, thank you guys so much for 10k reads! It means so much to me! I actually have some big plans for this story. Anyway, enjoy! 

-Thor's P.O.V-

I walk quickly down the golden halls, thoughts colliding inside my mind. It's been 2 days since Loki's hallucination and I've had him under 24-hour surveillance. Who knows what he'll do next. Loki hasn't come out of his room either. Frigga keeps saying that he just needs to think about things and calm down but I know that it's only a matter of time before he does something serious. Loki is going crazy. Father doesn't seem too concerned about him. Am I the only one who truly cares? I really want to help him but what can I do? If (y/n) stays in the cell forever, it would hurt both her and Loki. If I killed her... I don't think Loki would be able to handle it. He's fallen so hopelessly in love with her that it's almost like a curse. I've been so caught up in this mess that I haven't spoken to Jane in weeks... I have to talk to Odin.

"Father!" I call, bursting through the doors to the throne room. I notice that Frigga is not here, even though Odin is.

"Thor, you seem distressed." He says in his usual grumbly tone.

"Father, I have come to talk about Loki." A look of disgust flashes across his face.

"Ah, my disgrace of an heir. You want me to help him."

"He is not a disgrace! He is one of the most honourable people I have ever known!" I feel anger bubbling inside of me. I won't let anyone insult my brother, no matter what he's done.

"Thor, after everything he has done. Do you not believe that he deserves to suffer, as others have because of his greed?" My hand tightens around Mjolnir.

"Please, Father. Loki is on the brink of insanity. I can't bear to see him like this..."

"Son, I can't just reach into his mind and make him better."

"No, but there must be something you can to do fix (y/n)!"

"(y/n)?" He sighs. "The insane girl in the dungeons?"

"You know she isn't crazy! And I know that you can fix her!" I can feel my heart racing.

"I will not help that girl after all the damage she has caused!"

"You will help her or I'll-"

"Thor... My own son, threatening me?" I stay silent, my breathing is heavy and rough. "Maybe you aren't as worthy as you used to be..."

"I love Loki! He's the best brother and friend I could ever have! I won't let him fall because you won't help him!" I cry. 

"Brother!" A familiar voice calls from behind me. We both look towards the door to see Loki, walking quickly towards us. Strange, neither Odin nor I heard him coming in.

"Loki..." I gasp, dropping Mjolnir and running towards him. "Loki, you don't know how worried I was-" I open my arms for a hug but run straight through him. An illusion. I quickly turn around to see Odin, his face unamused. As if he was expecting this. How- The doors swing open and two of the guards that I sent to watch Loki come running in.

"Sire... Loki has disappeared!" One of them shouts. 

"What?" I roar. "How did you not notice him leaving?"

"We don't know! We were standing by the door the entire time. The only time the door opened was when the maid went in with his dinner and she noticed that he wasn't there!" 

"Oh no... Loki... Where are you?" I mutter, pacing nervously around the hall. Then, another guard comes running in. "What's the matter?" I ask angrily, already stressed out by Loki's disappearance.

"The prisoner... The girl..." He pants, trying to catch his breath. "She's gone!"

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