Chapter 16

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"You've got to be joking!" Thor shouts. "A war? With the fire giants?"

"Please, we're not strong enough to defeat them on our own" You plead.

"Why should I listen to you? You should be in the dungeon!" Thor roars. You take a step forward and he tightens his grip around Mjölnir, glaring at you.

"Oh come on Thor, you know that won't work" You roll your eyes.

"What?" Loki chokes out in surprise.

"Oh, yea, I forgot to tell you something!" You smile sweetly at Loki and stretch your arm out. Mjölnir is yanked from Thor's hand and into yours. Loki's jaw drops.

"Give it back" Thor growls, clenching his fists.

"How about you agree to help us to defeat the fire giants first?" You can almost feel the rage emitting from him.

"Fine!" He says angrily and holds his hand out expectantly. 

"Good. Here you go!" You smile and throw the hammer. Thor catches it and turns to Loki, who had been standing there with his mouth wide open.

"And you!" He growls, pointing at Loki. "If I see one sign of treachery..."

"I get it brother,  you'll kill me" Loki crosses his arms and smirks. Thor takes a deep breath before sighing.

"I'll get the army ready"


In a flash of blue light, you, Loki and the Tesseract appear back in Jotunheim.

"Thor and his army should be here by sunrise" Loki says, walking through the hallway by your side. "Looks like we have an evening of peace before the war"

"Yea. We could use that time to catch up. It has been three years after all" You suggest. Loki agrees and you both head towards your chambers. Loki uses his magic to get the fireplace going and you sit by the fire and stare into the flames.

"So, how was life without me?" He smirks.

"Wonderful" You say sarcastically, rolling your eyes.

"I loved it when you read to me... It made me feel warmer" Your cheeks flush red and you look towards the floor. 

"Yea, you had some pretty interesting books back in Asgard" Loki stands up and looks around the room. He opens your wardrobe.

"You have an amazing sense in fashion" Loki chuckles, taking out the dress.

"Oh, that. I used some of your old robes. Sorry" 

"I don't mind... But it seems incomplete"

"I couldn't find another helmet" You sigh.

"Like this one?" Loki raises an eyebrow as his horned helmet appears on his head.

"Yea, but a little smaller. And a little less ridiculous"


"Just kidding. I love your helmet" You smile. Loki blushes a little before taking something from his cloak. It's a golden tiara with little, golden horns on it. "It's beautiful" You smile. Loki removes the ice tiara and replaces it with the golden one. Before you can comment on it, he waves his hand and your dress magically replaces the clothes you were wearing.

"You look better like that" Loki smiles, causing you to blush furiously.

"Loki..." You begin, shuffling closer to him next to the fire.

"Yes (y/n)?" He looks into your eyes. The fire causes his emerald green eyes to looks slightly golden.

"Can I see your Jotun form?" You look at him with puppy dog eyes.

"O-Okay" He says. Although, he isn't smiling. Slowly, Loki's skin starts turning light blue. His eyes go red and strange markings appear on his face. Loki looks at you with a sad expression.

"What's the matter?" You ask.

"I'm a monster aren't I?"

"No... Loki, you aren't a monster" You whisper.

"But I am! I'm a cold, heartless-" You interrupt him by leaning over and giving him a light kiss on the lips. Loki looks at you in surprise before moving over to you and kissing you back. His hands snake down your hips and you run your fingers through his thick, black hair. Loki pulls you closer, kissing you passionately. His addictive aroma fills your nostrils and you let out a small moan.

"I love you Loki" You whisper, pulling away ever so slightly so that your noses are touching.

"I love you too" He mumbled, pulling you in for another kiss.

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