Nico Di Angelo

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I can't believe I agreed to this. I was sitting in a cramped booth at a shitty restaurant with Will and a bunch of other lovey-dovey couples. I am going to puke. Jason and Piper were holding hands, Frank and Hazel were stealing glances, Leo had his arm around Calypso, and don't even get me started on Percy and Annabeth. Will tried to engage in the madness that was our group date, but I just sat back into the shadows. Percy had been the one who suggested this stupid group date thing and of course, everybody went along with it not caring that I wanted nothing to do with it. But Will insisted that we came along and 'bonded' with the group of them and I really can not say no to his puppy eyes, but don't tell him that.

"So Nico I heard you are going to go meet Will's parent's next week, are you nervous?" Percy grinned from across the table. He had his arm around the back of Annabeth's chair and she seemed to be leaning into his strong chest. Damn that chest.... NO! Over that! I glanced at Will sitting next to me, the skin around his eyes crinkled as he laughed at one of Leo's lame jokes and his beautiful plump lips were turned up into a half smile. He seemed to be having fun and fitting in great so that almost made this torture worth it, almost.

"Yeah actually, I've met his mom a couple times over skype and she is a really nice lady, they're making her famous lasagna which I hear is legendary." I couldn't help but lean into Will's side which obviously surprised him because usually I not really very touchy feely you know.

"Yeah, Ma was adamant about making as soon as I told her about Neek's Italian background." He smiled pulling me closer by wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Usually, I would roll my eyes but for some reason, this stupid date was making me feel the need to be close to him.

"Hey, Percy are you and Annabeth really planning on moving to New Rome next year?" Jason spoke above the round of aws that made me blush.

"Absolutely, I can't wait to be able to see my Wise every day, it will be a nice change from the arrangement we have now." He literally radiated happy which made me feel sick.

"Well, you know as long as someone keeps his grades up and actually graduates high school" Annabeth spit fire with the sweetest tune.

"I'm sure you'll do fine Percy." Will reassured him.

"Are you guys thinking about staying in the dorms or finding places in the city." Piper cut in. Percy and Annabeth shared a glance.

"Actually we were planning on seeing if we could find a cheap apartment to rent outside of Camp Jupiter, we have the money from both of us working three jobs and we thought it would be nice to have a place to call home until we move back to New York in four years." Percy twirled his fork around in his pasta, then looked up sheepishly. Everyone was obviously shocked, we had all figured that Annabeth would have some sort of plan, but I definitely did not think that they had put that much thought into it. Not to mention them living together, I figured that they would be like normal college kids, sleep in dorms, visit each other after classes, putting a sock on the door, but living together? Wow.

"Why are you staring at me like that? We put a lot of thought into this and we've talked through just about everything." Annabeth nodded along with every word Percy said.

"How will you get to class?" Leo piped up from his place next to Calypso.

"I have a car you know." Percy rolled his eyes.

"How do your parents feel about this?" Piper intervened.

"Sally loves the idea and my dad not so much but he can screw himself for all I care." Annabeth took a bite out of her burger ignoring the stares she was getting.

"Marriage?" Frank asked nervously.

"I don't really see the point in waiting, but Wise Girl refuses to let me propose to her until we are out of college." Percy pouted and Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Children?" I asked nervously, kind of scared for the answer, but neither of them was fazed, like at all.

"Definitely not until after we graduate and settle back down in New York, we want to have steady jobs before we think about having kids but it's definitely part of the plan." Annabeth wrapped her hand around Percy's bicep and rested her head on his shoulder. Percy kissed her on the head then turned back to us.

"Are you guys done with the interrogation yet?" He joked but we all were too shellshocked to laugh.

"So you guys are actually doing it, all of it? The house, the marriage, the kids, the whole shebang?" I was....impressed.

"There is no one in the world I rather do it with." Percy grinned and gave Annabeth a small kiss.

"I'm so happy for you guys." Will's sudden voice made me jump and I could see in his eyes he was lost in thought, so while everyone was still wrapped up in what happened I took the opportunity to pull him down to my level.

"Hey what's up you look like you're thinking, I usually don't like when you're thinking." I tried to joke but Will's expression stopped me.

"Do you want it?" He asked me in a low voice.

"Want what?" I asked even though I already knew the answer to that question.

"The whole shebang?" He looked genuinely concern about my answer.

"There is no one in the world I rather do it with." I smiled and kissed him.

Sorry it's been so long since I last updated but here you go, a little Solangelo mixed in and cute Percabeth. I will try to write more often, but no promises high school sucks(I say for the second year). Love you all, thank you for your support and leave comments you know I love to read them.

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