Emily Kunnie

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"Emily, truth or dare" Piper asked. We were all sitting on the floor, in our sleeping bags, at Annabeth's birthday party.

"Dare" I winced, waiting for my death sentence.

"I dare you to call Malcolm" she smirked and I just gaped at her. I have had a crush on him for like ever.

"I-I don't have his number" I made up and excuse.

"I do, he's my partner for science and we have to work on a big project together" Jessica chimed in and Piper smirked.

"Fine, give me the phone" I reluctantly grabbed J's phone and pressed the call button. It rang a couple times, please go to voicemail, please!!!! Nope.

"Hey J, what's up" Malcolm answered.

"Hi Malcolm, this is Emily" I held my breath.

"Oh Hi Emily, what's up" he seemed to be nervous.

"I just wanted to let you know I think your really cute and I've had a crush on you since the 6th grade" I spit out and bit my lip "I'm going to hang up now."

"No wait, do you maybe want to go to the movies tomorrow?" he asked and my heart started racing.

"Sure, I'd love to go see a movie with you" I turned to the girls, who were all trying not to scream.

"Cool, and are you at Annabeth party?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"No reason, but can you put me on speaker phone?" 

"Sure....?" I put him on speaker and Annabeth immediately ran over.

"What is it Malcom?" she seemed really worried.

"Nothing, the boys and I just wanted to say happy birthday, right guys?" there was muffling in the background.

"Happy birthday Annabeth, from your Supreme Mcshizzle" a different voice said.

"Thanks Leo" Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"H-hi Annabeth, happy birthday" another said.

"Thank you Frank, oh and Hazel it's your boyfriend" she called and Hazel ran out of the bathroom, leaving the sink going.

"Hi Frank" she said.

"Hi Hazel, I'll see you next week right?"

"Of course"

"Happy Birthday from me and the rest" another said.

"Thank you guys" Annabeth grinned and Piper ran over.

"Jason!!!" she squealed.

"Oh, hi Piper, I am really looking forward to seeing you again, I've missed you" Jason said through the phone.

"I've missed you too Sweetheart" then my heart skipped a beat when I heard Malcolm's voice.

"Listen Annabeth, he said he would wish you a happy birthday, but no one can find him anywhere" her face dropped.

"Do you know if he's ok?" she looked about ready cry.

"Oh come on Annabeth, get real, he a tough boy, but we have to go, Happy birthday"

"Thanks Malcom, text me if you hear anything"

"Of course" he hung up and we all stared at Annabeth, except Piper and Hazel they just hugged her.

"He's fine, come on let's keep going on our game"Piper said and Annabeth face palmed.

"You know what your right, he's probably just at home with Sally and Paul, eating blue cookies" she lightened up "Ok, your turn Emily."

"Truth or dare Annabeth" I asked.

"Truth" she closed her eyes waiting.

"when, where, and with who was your first kiss, and don't say you haven't kissed anyone because you just turned 18" I demanded.

"I was 15, it was on his 16th birthday, he was my best friend since we were twelve, we just finished a giant thing with each other, and I gave him a chocolate cupcake with blue frosting because he and his mom had this thing with his old stepdad, I don't know, but he loved it, then he tried to tell me something about him seeing me in a whole new way and stuff and I couldn't help but start to laugh. Then he said 'you are so not making this easy for me' and I said 'I will never make this easy for you, Seaweed Brain' and I went for the kiss, but we were rudely interrupted by our eavesdropping friends and they threw us in the lake, where we kissed and I finally felt complete" then all of a sudden the door flew open and some guy came in, slamming it behind him. He slide down the door and put his head in his hands.

"Oh my gods" Annabeth ran over and grabbed his hand.

"Percy? Percy? Are you okay, please tell me your ok" she started to cry and the boy looked up and smiled. He was cover in blood and dirt.

"Annabeth, I'm fine, just a few scraps" more like deadly scars. Annabeth slapped him upside the head.


"Seaweed Brain?" he smirked and I nearly choked.

"Percy, what are you doing here?" she ran her fingers threw his messy, black hair.

"I couldn't miss your birthday" he pulled her close to him.

"I love you Seaweed Brain, but you can't just risk your life for me, how'd you even get here?"

"My dad helped, but when I washed up on the shore of the beach down the road, I ran in to our old friend, Kelli, but I dealt with her, but I didn't know if there were any other's so I ran here as fast as I could, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he kissed her forehead.

"I missed you, Percy" Annabeth said and he wiped away her tears.

"I love you" he pulled her into a kiss. They kissed for awhile until Annabeth's dad came down, oh know they are going to be in so much trouble.

"Oh, hello Percy, I'll get some water" he looked him over "and you better jump in the shower" he walked into the kitchen.

"He's probably right, I will be right back" he said heading to the bathroom.

"Percy, wait" Annabeth got up.


"I still have some of your clothes upstairs" she smiled and they both laughed, remembering their time together.

"Ok then" he grabbed her hip and kissed the top of her head. They went upstairs and awhile later, they came down, Percy wearing new clothes and his scars seemed to disappear. Annabeth looked the happiest, I've ever seen her. Percy finally got a good look at the rest of us and smiled, then he held out his hand, as if to hug us.

"Come on girls" he said and scooted back a little, so did most of the girls, except for Piper and Hazel.

"Hey Percy" Piper fist bumped him.

"Hey Pipes, long time, no see" he smiled.

"Percy, it's so great to see you again" Hazel hugged him.

"you too, Hazel" he looked around and waved to the rest of us.

"Ok wait, I'm so confused" I said getting up and I finally got a good look at him. And he is HOT "how do you know them?" 

"Annabeth's my girlfriend and we go to camp with Piper and Hazel, by the way guys, we might have some trouble, but lets not worry about that right now" he quick smiled and looked away.

"Peeerrcccyy" annabeth scowled.

"Let's watch a movie" Hazel suggested and everyone nodded. We all got back into our sleeping bags and started the movie. out of the corner of my eyes I saw the four slip out of the room and it looked bad. Annabeth was flinging her arms around and hit Percy n the chest. When they slipped back in  Percy sat on the couch and Annabeth sat on the other side of it, with her arms crossed. I saw Percy role his eyes and he grabbed her hand. her stern expression softened and she scooted closer to him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, then he kissed her softly. When the movie was over, I looked over my shoulder and they had both fallen asleep. I hope their dreaming of each other.

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