Tori Bakba

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HEY HO, sowwy I haven't updated in awhile, but her you go, BTW read my other stories!

"Ok, so I am devoting this entire night to getting you a boyfriend, cause you like legit need one" I flopped down on Annabeth's bed.

"Nah, I've got that covered" she gazed at her phone.

"OMG Annie, enough with that stupid daydream that THE Percy Jackson will date you, he is like totally famous, and not to be a hater, but he would never fall for you, your too....ordinary" I roll my eyes.

"Ha, you have no idea how funny that sounds to me" Annabeth laughs.

"Whatever, just tell me, what is your dream guy?" I rolled onto my stomach.

"Well, since you obviously don't believe me, let's see he is just tall enough that I have to go on my tip toes to kiss him"


"He has messy hair that always looks like he just got out of bed, yet makes him look 10 times hotter"


"He loves the water and could spend hours on the beach with me, he is an AMAZING kisser, he likes to just sit and cuddle me while I read, he is secretly a disney nerd and goofball underneath his cool guy mojo, he is a great singer, but refuses to sing to anyone but me, he hold me when I am down, he trusts me with everything, he doesn't keep secrets, and not to mention his abs" she sighed and flopped down next to me "he is the sweetest boyfriend ever and he is also stupid and a complete idiot"

"Why would you wish that?"

"Cause she misses her idiot" I heard a different voice from behind us, making me scream.

"Who the hell are you" I turn to look at a boy around our age.

"The names Percy, now if you would please look away, I would love to kiss my girlfriend" he hopped on top of Annabeth, making her squeal.

"Hey babe" he smirked.

"Hey" Annabeth wrapped her arms around his neck. Percy chuckled and leaned in to kiss her, Annabeth closed the gap, kissing him with a much force as a semi.

"Oh my god" I cover my eyes with my hands.

"Tori, you jerk" Annabeth pushes Percy off of her.

"Hello Percy, I'm Tori, the best friend" I hold my head up smirking.

"Oh you poor sweet oblivious child, you're looking at the best friend right here" he pointed to himself.

"Seaweed Brain, what are you doing here, I thought you were in London training all month" Annabeth hugged him from behind.

"I thought I would take a week off and come hang with my beautiful Wise Girl" Percy turned in her hug, kissing her head.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"EW, I'm outta here"

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