" What do you suggest we do?" Aaron asks 

" I suggest doing an echocardiogram as well as performing an EKG test, and depending on the results I will administer doses of nitrates to allow blood flow and ace inhibitors but since we haven't performed the tests I will have her on oxygen" She states 

" Very good Dr. Flora, Mrs. Wilson do you have any questions for us?" Aaron asks 

" No questions for now " She spoke softly 

We continued rounds with our residents and the nurses and by midmorning, all the residents were assigned to patients. I sat behind the desk filling out paperwork and updating charts whilst checking in on patients every once in a while. The ER was running relatively slow compared to what it felt like on most days. 

"Brigham and Women's Hospital Emergency Room Dr. Robinson how may I help you?" 

" This is engine 4067 EMT Madison ten-minutes out with Leo Forest thirty-nine-year-old unconscious patient with an entry GSW to the left jaw. The patient is stable with normal vitals signs" The EMT spoke 

" ER will be prepped, " I said hanging up the phone 

I paged Aaron, my residents, trauma, and orthopedics all while having the room prepped for the incoming patient. Within minutes the entire team was in front of the emergency room doors dressed and ready. 

" What's our incoming?" Aaron asked 

" Incoming is Leo Forest thirty-nine unconscious patient with an entry GSW to the left jaw who is stable and has normal vital signs. Though he is stable with normal vitals signs we need all hands on deck in case the bullet continues to travel towards vital veins and arteries in the neck" I explained 

Just as I finished updating the team on the incoming patient the paramedics came in with the patient. 

"Thirty-nine-year-old Leo Forest was shot in the left jaw with an entry hole. The patient is stable and his vitals are normal" The paramedic says 

"Let's move him in ONE...TWO...THREE" 

" Dr. Flora and Dr. Victor check for injuries anywhere on his body," Aaron says

" Patient breaths sounds are full and equal bilaterally"

" BP 90/60" I state 

" Mr. Forest can you hear me" 

" No further injuries," A resident says 

" No exit wound" 

" Normal abdomen resonance," A Nurse says 


" Mr. Forest needs an MRI of his neck, page radiology tell them we're coming," I said to the residents 

" MR. FOREST, CAN YOY HEAR ME?" Aaron shouts again 

" My neck," He says trying to move 

" BP and heart rate are dropping," The Nurse says 

" Mr. Forest we need you to keep still," Aaron tells him 

" My Neck!" He speaks louder 

Without warning, blood begins gushing out of his neck

" GAUZE STAT!" Aaron shouts holding pressure 

" BP 60/40, BPM 150"  Dr. Flora says 

" Patient is gushing air, I need a trach kit !" The trauma doctor shouts 

The Doctor and the Millionaire (EDITING)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ