Chapter One

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" MILAN WAKE UP!" Aaron shouted

As if I didn't already know it was morning and time for me to wake up. It was a pretty good morning despite the fact that I was on call all night and will be on call again tonight. The thought of it annoyed me even more. I decided to put my frustration aside and get ready. As I was getting up I could smell the aroma of pancakes and burnt bacon. I walked out of my room only to find Aaron preparing breakfast.

" I see you've finally decided to get out of bed," 

"Why are you cooking breakfast? You don't cook" I questioned

" I'm doing something different, you have to change it up every once in a while, " He admitted 

"I hope we get good cases today," Aaron says 

"Not wishing bad on anyone but a couple stabs wounds, a blow to the head, or maybe a severed leg wouldn't be bad" I laughed  

"Ok! relax since when did you like blood?" Aaron asked 

"I'm a doctor blood is my life" I rolled my eyes 

" Whatever you say," He chuckled pushing me a plate with pancakes and bacon 

"I needed this so bad" I mumbled stuffing my face 

" Well enjoy it while you can, we're running the ER all day " He spoke annoyed 

After breakfast, I and Aaron retreated to our room to prepare for our twenty-hour shift and in thirty minutes we were on route to work. I and Aaron had made it a habit to listen to ER cases on our ride to work to sharpen our skills and understanding of our ever-evolving career field.  

 After quite an entertaining drive to work, I and Aaron walked into the Emergency Rooms doors and just like most days in the emergency room, I was briefed by the previous doctor on call on the current patients and their conditions, and soon after began rounds with our residents. We paged all ten of our residents along with our nurses and after a few minutes the hallway quickly filled up with our team. Each emergency room doctor had a group of resident doctors and the residents were lead by two attending doctors. In our cases, it was I and Aaron.

" Good morning everyone I'm Dr. Robinson and to my right is Dr. Ropper we are your attendings for the duration of your shift today" I began 

" Everything you do you must be reported to myself and Dr. Robinson such as CT scans, Ultrasounds, Medications, MRI's. Any ideas of any sort should be taken to us" Aaron added 

"Any questions?"I asked the group

The groups nodded there head negative, and we proceeded to our first patient of the morning

" Dr. Flora present our first patient," Aaron says

" Laura Wilson was admitted to the emergency room one hour ago with symptoms of fatigue, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and the feeling of her chest tightening" she explained 

" Hello Mrs. Wilson, I'm Dr. Robinson I'm going to ask you a few questions if that's alright with you" 

" Go ahead," She says 

" Where do feel pain on your chest?" I asked 

" The left side of my chest," She says rubbing her torso 

" With the pain in your chest does it hurt to breathe?" I asked 

" Yes, and it feels as if my heart is racing" She described

" Dr. Flora have a listen for her heart and lungs," I said stepping aside  

" Her heart is beating rather fast, and her lung sounds are irregular" Dr. Flora explained 

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