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I decided to make the chapter into two since the original was to long so two chapters yay.

Four Days later...
Calem Pov...
It's been awhile since Serena left to look for Ash. As for me like I been spying on Dawn to see what she been doing after Serena's "talk" with her.

But something wasn't right, She's been acting very suspicious, she's also wearing a hoodie for some reason. And I haven't seen the Gary, Drew, and Paul lately.

There probably planning something I just can't seem to find it.

Right now I'm meeting May and Misty at front of the school since there's not that many students right now.

I saw them sitting down on a bench talking to each other, so I decided to greet them.

Hello, I waved to them.

They both looked at me and both waved back.

Hey Calem, May said.

Hello Calem, Misty said.

Mind if I sit down with you guys, I asked.

Sure, May said.

They both moved over a bit then I sat down.

So anything on Dawn?, Misty asked.

No but I will say this that she is acting suspicious lately and I haven't been seeing the boys around like they used.

That's strange they are usually together but I think now that we both of us left them, their probably planning something, May said.

What do mean by that May, Misty asked.

I don't know Misty.

Do you know where they hang out or some place they usually go to, I asked.

I know a place, but its kinda risky to go, May said.


There's a room at the back of the school where we used to discuss and talk to each other about something important or something else.

Ok I'm going over there to see it for myself.

Wait are you crazy, they could be over there right now, Misty said.

I'm going there anyway, see you girls later.

I started leaving them and I can hear saying things about me, but I ignore them and started walking to back to the school.
Few minutes later...
Third Pov...

As Calem headed to the back of school he started hearing voices.

Familiar voices.

Once Calem heard the voices he slowed down his pace and looked to his left and saw Gary, Drew, and Paul which was near a door, talking to each other.

So does any of you know why Dawn wanted to meet here?, Paul said.

I don't know, I just told to come here, Drew said.

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