Meeting New Friends

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Time Skip...
Serena's Pov
Its been three or four hours of classes which were boring and one of them made me fall asleep and once the bell rang I said to myself in my head.Finally it's lunch and no more classes for now.I was walking to the lunch area till I heard someone yell out my name from behind.


I turned around to see who it was then out of the crowd of students I saw dawn walking towards me.

So your heading to lunch without me she said.

No I didn't know you were behind me so I just heading over there I said to dawn.

Oh ok well lets go before may eats all the food dawn said.

Wait what do you mean by eating all the food I asked.

Oh may just loves food but she can't eat all of it like crazy person would do.

Ok? I said

Let's go before the line gets to long dawn said as she grabs my hand and starts walking faster causing me to walk faster as well.

Why are we we walking fast I don't mind waiting that long for food I said to dawn.

Well I don't let's go before the line gets long hurry dawn said.

Ok ok can we just walk I said to her.

Man that was big line I said to dawn put her lunch down then sat down at a empty table trying to rest.

See this is why I told you we should of run for it, but no you said that we should walk for it that's why I wanted to run for it because the line becomes long and takes forever dawn said while running out of breath.

Ok ok calm down breathe dawn breathe.

Then dawn started breathing in and out slowly.

Sorry serena it's just that am just tired from that line and when I get tired I start talking to fast and run out of breath just now so am sorry for that.

It's ok dawn just try not to get mad while doing that.

Ok now let's go to meet your new friends as dawn got and started walking.

Wait new friends I asked dawn.

Yea what do you expect that your going to spend your year with no friends.

Um yea I guess?

Well your not because your going to make friends and become popular.

We both kept walking till we reach a table full of students that were laughing and talking to each other.Then the students turned around and saw me and dawn still standing

Hey guys this is serena she is new around here so be nice dawn said to the group.

Hi, I said in a shy voice.

Hello,they all said together.

Then one of two girls from the table waved at me then saw who it was.

May is that you.

Yea it's me what did you expect.

I was just asking jeez.

Then the second girl decided to introduce her self to me.

Let me introduce myself my name is misty and I like swimming.

Hello misty I hope we could be friends I said to her in a polite way.

Then two of boys from the group came behind misty,one of them had green hair and the other had orange hair just like misty but more darker.

Hey beautiful my name is drew and here have a rose.

Um thanks I guess,as I got the rose from drew?

Ignore him would you like to go on a date with me and names gary.


Then both gary and drew got pulled by the ear by misty who looked kind of mad.

This is her first day and your just going to flirt with her she yelled at the boys.

Um yes,they both said scared at the same time.

Then misty both grab their shirts and drag them somewhere else.

Um does that normally happens to her I asked dawn.

No misty just has a short temper it's just whatever you do don't get her mad and she doesn't like them flirting with girls.

Why I asked?

Because they flirt with almost ever girl in the school and break up with them few weeks later.

Oh ok I will keep that in mind.

We'll their is one more person to meet but he's not here today.

Does he flirt with girls I asked.

No he just doesn't talk that much,he's cold hearted person,has purple hair and his name is paul.

He sounds kind of scary.

Don't worry serena he's not scary it's just that he wants to act that way,so don't worry about it.


We then sat down and misty comes back with the boys that looked like that got beaten up.

Serena you don't worry about them flirting with you anymore right boys misty.

Drew and gary both nodded very quickly like they were terrified of something.

So what do you guys do I asked.

We just talk to each other or hang out after school or at the weekends.

And sometimes we have party's at our house gary said.

Their fun serena you should go sometime.

Uh I will think about it I said.
Well the bell just rang later guys,as I waved the group goodbye.

They are very nice people I wonder how come ash doesn't like them.

I apologize for not having the chapter finish because of a family member wanted to paint the room and cut off the internet which sucked and took the entire day to finish and people wanted to go out so couldn't work on it,and that's about it.Also have great day and am sorry. :(

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