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Newt, Tina and Azalea watch as Percival is trying to persuade the Obscurial. Azalea could see a form of a human.

"It's the Second Salem boy", says Newt.

"He's not a child", says Tina.

"I know, but I saw him. His power must be strong and he's somehow managed to survive. It's incredible", says Newt.

"I'll distract him", says Azalea, referring to Percival. She sneaks up to Percival and begins to fire her spells, but Percival is stronger.

"Azalea, my love. What are you doing?", he asks.

"Stop that. You can't fool me!", says Azalea as she fires, distracting him enough time for Credence to escape.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry, but you made me", he says as he summons a car towards her, but Azalea ducks in time. Percival leaves and Azalea goes after him.

Chip and Dale arrive at the dark penthouse. Where are the house elves?

"Ok, if I were to hide a person so I can use him as a source of my polyjuice, where would I hide him?", says Chip.

"A box or something like that", says Dale.

"Has to be enchanted", says Chip. He's not a good Legilimens, but he has to try.

The real Percival slowly opens his eyes. That voice, it sounds so familiar. Henderson? He tried so hard to communicate, but his body is fighting him.

Dale casts his spell - Lumos! The penthouse lights up and they see a chest that looks outta place. The two run and open it, revealing a weak Percival who is a few feet down. Despite that they're happy to see him, Chip casts his spell so his boss could be lifted outta there. They lay him on the ground.

"Mr. Graves? Wake up sir!", says Chip.

"Henderson? What happened? Where's Grindelwald?", says Percival.

Chip and Dale look at each other, horrified. They pick up their boss and apparate to find Azalea.

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