To Be Continued

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Azalea leaves before Tina could stop her. She boards the train back to Mississippi. As she disembarks, she sees the familiar face of her grandmother, Aster Hawthorne.

Her grandfather was the No-Maj in the family. Her grandmother fell in love with him and he never care what she was. Azalea hugs Aster, crying in her arms.

Oh, my dear. Don't cry. I know it's hard for you", says Aster. Azalea told her in writing what has happened.

"Did I do the right thing, nana?", Azalea asks.

"If that's what your heart says", says Aster, trying her best to comfort Azalea. Azalea steps inside the big mansion her grandfather had left for them. Behind the mansion lays a forest where various creatures live in harmonious.

That night, Azalea sits on the swing at the back porch as she watches the beautiful starry night. Her grandmother comes out and joins her.

"Did I do the right thing, nana? Was it right for me to leave him like that?", says Azalea.

Aster hugs Azalea.

"In my experience, you're merely following your heart. If he truly loves you, he'll come for you, my dear. No matter where you are, fate will bring you together and you will be happy again", she says.

In New York, Percival stares at his pocket watch, where Azalea's picture is hidden. He misses her warm smile, her love and affection; everything. The office is empty and it's almost midnight. No point of going home because no one will be there to greet him and what is home without the ones you love.

The End

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