27.Save Me

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Ayana P.O.V

The wind push pass me and all I could do was look at Blossom with my worry on her more. I couldn't teleport far, but I made it to her a little. I looked at how badly her face beaten, and but I had to think quick.

"Ayana teleport away." Blossom struggled to say.

I could barely talk as the ground came faster and faster, but she pushed me away from her. I couldn't get back to her and when I felt arms around me I looked back. I looked back at Skyler who had wings of an angel but a face of worry.

"Save Blossom!" I screamed at him.

"No, I had to save you." He said back holding me tight.

I watched as Blossom fell to the ground and I kept trying to get away from Skyler but he held me tight. She came closer to the ground, and my heart stopped as she splatted on the ground making a bloody mess below. I felt sick as I tears ran down my face, and I put my face into Skyler's chest. I broke the knife in my chest and it rested between the two of us, as my cry only got louder. I didn't notice my feet touching the ground till I heard the others crying as well, making me move back and look at Sky.

"Why did you save me?" I yelled at him though my tears, but he just looked at me.

I pushed at him wanting him to save her still, but she was already gone. I didn't know what I wanted know just something, so I kept pushing him.

"Why didn't you just save her?" I screamed again before he grabbed my arms pulling me into a hug.

"Ayana its alright." Skyler said before I looked up at him.

"Blossom's okay." Xavier said behind me.

I turned and looked at him helping the other women and I moved to the window. I had great vision so I could see that what was once Blossom was grass and flowers now. I saw Calvin digging in the grass looking for something when I saw Ivan being carried by Nate.

"What happened?" I said still in a panic.

"Ayana you have to calm down." Amara said in a weak voice.

"How can I calm down?" I asked her slightly starting to fell faint.

"Ayana you still have half of a knife in you that has demon blood on it, and its not going to heal. You need to rest and let us get you medical attention, from your pack doctor." Xavier said as Nate walked in with Ivan.

I moved to him but he was barely awake, as Nate dropped him on the couch. I ran to him pushing Nate aside and falling down to him.]

"Ivan?" I said and he looked at me before he passed out.

I was having a panic attack at this point and it was to much, so before I could pull myself off the ground I passed out as well.

Ivan P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes when I heard my mothers voice, followed by my fathers. I slowly turned my head looking at them both and I felt tired. I looked over to Ayana who was still sleeping very peacefully.

"Ivan." My mother yelled before she ran over to me, giving me a hug.

I didn't hug her back just rested my head on her shoulder for a moment. She pulled back and looked at me with a smile on her face.

"How do you feel sweetheart?" She asked and nodded.

"I feel fine, can you two leave for a moment." I said and they both nodded.

I stood noticing I was just in jogging pants, and the mark on me was healed now. I looked at my father who wanted to say something to me, but I nodded to the door.

"Son, how do you feel?" He asked and I gave him a hard look, and he walked away.

"Ayana." I said as the door closed behind me.

She moved a little but I could feel she was still tired, so I was going to let her rest. I looked out the window, seeing the pack moving around the trees, happy.

"Alpha? Are you feeling alright?" Mark asked me in our connection

"No, we have to deal with Kalan and know." I replied as I turned to look at Ayana and feeling her pain.

"I know, but we have no idea how to get to him, or where to find him."  Mark said with a worried voice.

"I know how to deal with this, and what we need to deal with first and that's James." I said heading to the door.

I looked at Ayana one last time before I walked out the room. I could smell my pack, and it made me feel like I was at home. I need to check on how fast they are building the new pack house, and find Mark now.

"Looking for me Alpha?" Mark said coming into the front door of the cabin.

"Yes I was." I replied as he closed the door behind himself making it just us to talk.

"How could we get closer to James? He is Kalan's lap dog, they are always together." Mark asked me.

"We are going to give him Cascade and Nate." I said and Mark gave me a confused look.

"No way they are going to go for that." Mark said moving closer to me.

"We I'm not going to ask them, tonight we are going to pay them a visits and I'm going to glamour them both. Once I control them we are going to take them to James, and we are going to kill him." I said feeling no emotions about what I was going to do.

"Alpha, I know we have to save Luna, but is killing your friends, and hurting one of your brothers what you want to do? I mean we can start a war across the world of wolves if we doing something like that." mark said nervous know.

"I didn't ask you for fucking statics, get ready for tonight, it will be just the two of us working." I said before turned heading back to the my room.

"Just like before, he's turning into Kalan." mark though and I stopped.

I wanted to turn around and fucking kill him for what he just said, but the look on his face told me he knew that. He just looked down not holding my stare, and as I opened my mouth I heard Ayana whimper.

"Go get ready for tonight, and don't tell a soul about this or I'll kill you as well." I said in a stern voice and Mark nodded.

Mark walked out of the house and I headed for the room again ready to see Ayana. I'm not evil and I'm nothing like Kalan, but I will not see anything happen to Ayana. I could feel her fear, and could feel her pain, and I couldn't help her because I was to weak. I'm not letting this happen every again, I don't care what it will take.

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