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Ayana P.O.V

I walked around and silent house, as everyone was now sleep in here now. I couldn't find the back door so I teleported to the front of the house, I haven't done this much. I let my fire consume me and I closed my eyes, and when I opened them I was in front of the house. The guards out front all ran to me, ready to fight but I looked at them.

"Oh, Luna, you're still awake." One man said and I looked at him.

"Luna is a vampire, so yeah she would be." Another man said.

I didn't talk to them just looked around and started for the back yard. I didn't have time to be bothered with there ignorance of me, and my ways. My stomach was in pain, and I need something and right now. I walked around till I saw the forest that was in the back, and I saw the open field. I teleported into the field and stood there till I felt something moving on the land, and it was something big.

"There it is." I said to myself feeling the beast run around.

The blood smelt so good, and he was running away from the house, making me want to chase it. I reached into my jeans, pulling out a hair tie so my dreads don't fall into my face, and got ready to run. I panted my feet on the ground and took off, the wind was moving fast pass me, and I ducked pass every tree, never stepping on a twig, or leaf. I was getting closer to the animal, the smell of its blood get stronger and stronger, making me more excited by the moment.

I stopped on a dime when I saw the giant beast and I ducked behind a tree. It was huge, and it's blood was something from a dream. It was just standing there smelling the air, and it suddenly took off running and I was right behind it. I wasn't going to pass the animal, even though I could easily. I stopped again and I ducked behind another tree, looking out at it. This was fun hunting again but when my stomach growled I knew it had to stop this. I pulled the scarf off my neck, I grabbed it so I blind my pray and kill it easier.

I took I step forward and when the animal started to smell the air near me. I had to go now, the large animal turned and I grabbed it around his neck, forcing the scarf around its face. It bucked wildly, but I dug my nails into its back and it howled out loud. The wolf grabbed my leg, pulling me down to the ground, and I moved quick grabbing on of it's large legs. I pulled it forward as hard as I could, making it's front leg snap.

The wolf still had the scarf around it's eyes as he snapped down grabbing my arm, and I grabbed it's mouth. It was stronger than me, because I couldn't get his mouth off of me. It pressed down hard making me bleed, but it suddenly stopped as it hit my bone, and I screamed out in pain.

The wolf jumped back and I moved back from it as well, I held my arm for a moment, still ready to attack. I watched the wolf shake the scarf off, and look at me for a long moment before it ducked down a little a shifted. I looked at Ivan, in shock that he was wolf that I was going to kill.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He asked angry holding his broken arm.

I didn't say anything back to when I heard a loud howl in the distance, and the sound of growling coming from the trees. I stood making my eyes turn red and I saw them, about 4 wolves around us, watching us. They looked hungry, and the look on Ivan face told me they aren't friends.

One moved closer to us and Ivan moved in front of me but I walked around him, if I cant have him for dinner I was going to take them. Ivan gave me a look before he moved over some, and I let my fangs come out. The first wolf jumped at me, and I teleported to him grabbing his neck. I snapped his neck and let my fangs sink into him. His blood wasn't very good, so I dropped his body as another one ran to Ivan, target number two. He jumped and at this point I just ran, grabbing him by the top and bottom of his mouth, and pulled up hard. His mouth split in two and I tasted the blood the splashed on me, no good again.

Ivan still didn't move as the other two ran to him and again I ran moving slower this time. I grabbed one by his tail, and yanked pulling his tail off. The blood that splashed on me still wasn't good, so I moved to the front of the wolf and pulled out his neck. I looked at the last one ready to attack as he jumped for Ivan, and I was done now. There blood was no good for me, so I walked to the side of Ivan and put my hand up to the wolf. I watched as he fell to the ground crying out, as he burned from the inside. His burning flesh and his cries, made me want to watch what happens to him.

I didn't mean to do that, and I didn't know that I could but I felt the fire inside of him. I looked down at the chard body in front of me and I looked over to Ivan, who just looked at me.

"Why are you out here?" He asked me.

"I was hunting for food, lucky you I failed at it." I said.

"Go back to the house." He said shifting again and his leg was fixed, as he ran off.

I watched him run away and my stomach turned from the taste of bad blood, and the fact I was hungry. I headed back to the house knowing, that I wanted Ivan's blood, and I'm going to ask him for a cup of it, because no way was I biting him.  

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