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Ayana P.O.V

I sat on the edge of the bed looking out the large window, showing off the night sky, and the rain the covered it. I could hear the soft snores of Ivan behind me and I smiled, how did I fall in love with someone hated so much? I just looked out at the beautiful moon, when I noticed a light behind. I stood and looked into what I think is the kitchen area, I looked around the corner but I couldn't see where the glow came from.

"You alright?" Ivan asked me, looking up with sleepy eyes and a voice that matched.

"I'm fine my Negus, go back to sleep," I replied and he was already sleeping before I finished.

I looked back to the kitchen and really focused on the glow that I saw, and it felt strange. I could feel it was fire, but it didn't belong to me. All fire belongs to me, from when a simple oven comes on to lava from a volcano it's mine, but this wasn't. I felt my heart start to skip a beat, and the smell of Kalan filled my nose as I turned the corner.

"Took you to long to remember your best friend," Kalan whispered as I walked into the kitchen.

He sat at the small bar with a glass of alcohol in his hand, and a small flame he played with in his other. He was still burned like I remembered him to be, no hair on hs head or face, and molted skin. 

"Not happy to see me, since you started fucking my brother you have been nothing but angry with me." He said giving me a smirk.

"What do you want from me and my sisters?" I asked moving to the table and sat across from him.

"Your sisters," He said giving me a hearty laugh.

"You've known the bitch for less than a month and they're your sister already?" He asked me.

"Something tells me you may have known them before I did," I said and he smiled at me.

"Ayana you have always been too smart for your own good, but never smarter than me. None of you women are smart, and the men you all call mates are even more so dumb. I have planned this for so long, that I think one of you women should know." He said drinking the rest of the alcohol in his cup.

"Then explain this to me.." I said as he poured himself another drink.

"I should know everything, I'm your little fang princess remember?" I said to him and hs head shot up with anger on his face.

"You're nothing more than Ivans whore, and a fool in my game you little bitch." He said moving to me as flames covered his hands.

He looked over as Ivan moved on the bed and he sat back down calming himself a little.

"All six of you are going to give me that power you all hold so dear, I'm going to control this earth. Finding you was the first step in all of this since I stole your power first, and learned to control it. I couldn't kill you as a child because all of you needed each other, to bring out the power, so I waited. After I was burned I took off and found the first one Rose, who was ver easy to find. She is the spirit of Nature, but since she didn't know I had to give it a push, so I found her wolf spirit and caused a problem. Next was Nora, find her as a child so I had to push her uncle to murder some people and she fell in place." He said giving me a laugh.

"How did you push them?" I asked wondering how he can do some of the things he can, like the dream thing.

"Give my best friend James that honor, he has a few thing he can do being a demon." He said before a saw a shadow of James behind him.

"Like I was saying, next was beautiful Amara, she was easy to deal with already being a stupid girl. After her sister died all I had to do is plant the seed of hate in her parent's heart. Then little innocent Blossom, a little harder but after I helped her mother lose her mind she was to deal with. Lastly Cascade, the hardest one to deal with." Kalan said looking back at the shadow of James.

"James here didn't have to heart to deal with his loving mother but he still did it. You see his father was beating Cascade, and she ran away after she killed him. Their mother looked all over for Cascade, but after a few years gave up and when she came back James had to brain fuck his mother into a crazy bitch." Kalan laughed at the pain he caused all of us.

"You're going to die for this, for everything you did to us," I said standing and he stood as well.

"Really Ayana? You think you can hurt me? You think that you that little sisterhood is going to stop me from draining the power from your fucking bodies. Maybe for the hell of it, I'll finally fuck you before I kill you." He said making my blood boil.

I moved to him but before I could get close, a large wolf jumped into the kitchen bring hm to the ground. Kalan struggled on the ground to get free, but before Ivan could take him out he turned into flames on the ground. Ivan moved back from the fire that burned black and looked at me. He shifted back and his face was filled with worry.

"I'm sorry." I quickly said.

"You're sorry, for trying to get yourself fucking killed." He said walking to me and grabbing both sides of my face.

"I know I'm sorry," I said resting my arms on his forearm.

"You know how that felt to feel him that close to you Ayana, to not be there to protect you!" He yelled getting angry.

"Ivan..." I said but he moved his hands in anger.

"Go get some sleep, maybe I can trust you in your sleep." He said walking to the burned floor.

I opened my mouth but he stopped me, by putting up one hand and looking at me.

"Go to sleep and don't burn down the fucking hotel." He said clearly hurting my feelings.

"Fine!" I yelled at him and he gave me a shocked look as I walked away from him.

**Happy Mothers day everyone,  hope all you mothers have a great day, or have a great day with your Grandmother or Mother, Love you all and thank you for reading.**

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