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Ayana P.O.V

I looked at myself in the mirror and I liked my new dress, even though it took me forever to pick it out. I really didn't feel like wearing heels, or make up, and all the jewelry but I had too. I sat down so I could start fixing my makeup when Ivan walked in, and my eyes moved to him instantly. He looked at me as he walked into the room, and sat on the edge of the bed. My heart started to flutter again, and my breathing picked up just from the smell of him in the room.

"Almost ready Ayana?" He said and I nodded.

I kept getting ready when I heard a knock on the door, and Ivan welcomed them into the room. I looked back at Ivan's father walking into the door and he gave me a smile that I returned.

"Yes?" Ivan asked him and he looked to Ivan.

"Son, I wanted to talk with you." He said nervous and Ivan stood.

"Not right now." He said angry nodding to the door.

"Ivan, just a moment?" He said almost begging.

"Not, Right now." Ivan said anger and his tone made his father move back.

He gave Ivan a nod than looked to me giving me the same nod before walking out the room. Ivan sat back down on the bed and before I though, I opened my mouth.

"Why are you so mean to your father?" I asked him.

"I don't have to explain myself to you." He said behind me angry.

I stood completely ready, and looked at his angry face before I headed to the door.

"I didn't say you had to, I just asked a question." I replied as he walked to the door to me.

He stopped in front of me, towering over me, making me feel slightly intimated by him. I just looked up at him, and his blond hair that feel over his shoulders a little, and the slight chin stubble that I liked.

"Why do you always want to test me?" I asked moving closer to him, till our bodies touch.

His blue eyes looked down at me turning green and I let out a little hiss and I saw him stiffen.

"I've never met a woman I wanted to see in action so badly." He said reaching around me.

I hide the fact I wanted him to touch me, and I also hide the disappointment when he grabbed the door, not me. He opened the door and I walked out and he followed behind me, walking down the stairs behind me, till I could hear voices. The voices sound oddly like someone that I knew so I moved faster to the women talking.

"Oh my god Amara, stop with this peace and love shit." Cascade said as I walked into the room.

Everyone in the room looked at me, well the women did the men didn't seem to even notice me till Ivan walked in.

"Ivan nice to see you." A tall lion like man said.

"There's another one of us?" A small woman said looking at me with a smile.

"Ladies, this is my mate Ayana, and Ayana this is Rose, Nora, Amara, Blossom, and you know Cascade." Ivan said and I couldn't help my feet that burned.

I noticed everyone looking at my feet but I couldn't explain why I was having an reaction around them.

"Here we go with this fire shit again." Cascade said making me look at her.

"On please raindrops have a problem?" I said making Rose laugh.

"Opposites that don't like each other, shocking since the other two opposites love each other." Rose said walking to me.

I looked at Blossom and Amara, who seemed to just ignore Rose and Cascade, and so did Nora who talked with them. They seemed like different people compared to the other two.

"Don't worry you all are connected." A man said walking to the side of me and I looked up.

"And you are?" I said turning to him.

"Skyler, and since no one else introduced themselves I will. I'm Sky, Calvin, Xavier, Noah and you know Nate." I said and I looked at the men that all glanced at me as Sky said there names.

"It's nice to meet you." I said to him and he smiled, and very handsome smile at that.

"No it's nice to meet you, seems like the made our family complete." He sad giving me a soft pat on my shoulder.

"Nate!" A voice yelled and Cascade smiled as a man came to the door.

"You guys just fucking leave me." A young man said stopping next to the door.

"Ivan, Ayana this is James my brother in law." Nate said wrapping his arms around my shoulders with a smile.

"Its funny how I feel like I know all of you." I said looking at Nate.

"That's because you do, family is a real word here, Africa." Nate said making me roll my eyes at him.

I looked up to James, as I was about to introduce myself and the look on his face gave me chills. His face was laced with anger, hate, and he hide it so well, but the reaction in his blood made my eyes turn red. Something chemical changed in his blood and I dipped into his mind just softly enough to hear a voice.

"Now we move in." A voice said to him and the slight nod made me move.

I could feel that the force of me teleporting knocked Nate back hard and I almost instantly I felt a freezing hand land on me as I grabbed James around his neck.

"Sister?" Cascade said behind me and I knew she was talking to me.

"Who did you just talk too?" I yelled to James and he looked at Cascade.

"Ayana, what are you doing?" Cascade yelled at me again.

"Who do you work for James? Who are they moving in on? Me? Ivan? My pack?" I asked him but he told me he was a soldier and he was going to break.

I started to let my fire burn down on him as he kept his eye on Cascade.

"I'm sorry ladies, I wish this day never came, but it's time for you all to die." He said before a bright light hit my eyes.

It was bright like the sun and my skin started to burn but something stopped it. I looked up and saw Ivan holding me tight with his jacket wrapped around me. He gave me a confused look, the same look everyone gave me but Nate.

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