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Ayana P.O.V

I felt so much better walking around in my normal clothes that had. I walked down the stairs and the first person I saw was my brother just looking out the front window. I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder making him look at me.

"Hey Kendell how are you?" I asked him and he gave me that awkward look he always have.

"Ayana, I'm gay." He said in one quick breath as if I didn't know.

"Alright." I said confused why he just said that.

"I know you're shocked and this is confusing." He replied trying to baby talk me a little, but I just gave him the same confused look.

"Alright, I'm thinking, you think, we don't know that you're gay, but we all do." I said and he gave me a shocked, look before he ran away.

I watched him run up the stairs and I shuck my head, I missed my family but the dysfunction is real in this house. I walked over to the front door, and pushed it open looking out into the night sky, as the moon was full. I stepped out heading to my place, the one place I would go to be alone and clear my mind. I wanted to find my place but I shockingly wanted to find Ivan more, is it wrong that I think I'm crazy about the guy. I mean he's cute, strong, maybe he is kind of an asshole sometimes.

I across the small street, and into the trees that sat in front of my house. I ducked and dodged pass all of the trees, till I smelled a wolf, and my body reacted. I pushed pass the trees wanting to get to him so badly, but I could feel he was running. I moved faster to his smell, and suddenly he stopped moving, well did he stop moving? I came into the burned small clearing, with the little pond to match.

I turned when I heard growling behind me, and jumped back a little before I was pushed to the ground.

"You scared the shit out of me!" I yelled at the over sized wolf.

"How did you sneak up on me like that?" I said teleporting away from him.

He walked around me making his large tongue lick over his big mouth. I watched as he moved over the pond and suddenly jump into the water making it splash on me. I moved back feeling the cold water make me feel slightly sick. I started to shiver, even though I started to heat myself up more the water was just to cold.

"Ayana?" Ivan's voice rang in my ears but my body was still paralyzed.

I haven't felt cold like this in a long time, and I hate that he had to see me react so dramatically to just being cold. I looked up when I felt arms wrap around me, making me feel warm a little and I look up. I looked into Ivan's eye's and they gave me a worried and sad look that made me want  move closer to him.

"I always forget you have the fire thing in you, I didn't know cold water hurt you." He said pulling my head back to look in my eyes.

"It's...It's...Fine" I said with an extreme shiver.

Ivan looked at me before he let me go and he shifted back into a large wolf. He made his way around me, wrapping me up in the heat that the wolf gave off. I ran my fingers in his fur as I felt the shiver start to go away.

"I guess if I wasn't always trying to fight with you, you would have known I can't handle the cold. We both know very little about each other, even with the vampire mark you had I wanted to know more." I said as the he looked back at me and I looked into those big green eyes of his.

He just looked at me before he ran his large tongue over my face, and I felt slightly grossed out by it, but I laughed. I moved away from him as the shiver had stopped now, and I looked around at the burned field around me. I smiled at it as I felt a hands wrap around my hips, making me glance back to Ivan. Before I could talk be gave me a heavy kiss, on my lips almost taking breath away.

"Don't worry me and you will get to know each other." He said making me turn around to face him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled him into me tight. I moved my hand down his back and for the first time I noticed he is naked. I jumped back from shock, but that was stupid before I eyes only moved down his body. His chest rippling with muscles, and his stomach  had 6 abs, and I knew  should have stopped looking but I didn't. My eyes stopped on his manhood, and my God the man was amazing.

"Oh!" I said to myself and he smiled.

"I felt the same way when I first saw you naked." He said moving to me but I moved back feeling nervous.

"Alright, why are you running away from me?" He said moving to me again, and again I moved back from him.

I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out, I just looked at him for a long moment forcing myself not to look at his dick.

"You know before a fight, I like to have a run, and maybe you can help me with the other part of what I need." He said moving to me extremely fast, and tackled me to the ground.   

I let my head resting the grass as he looked down at me, and softly bit his lip making me want to arch into him. I felt moisture start to pool between my, and he took a deep breath moving his face down to my neck. His lips wrapped around my neck softly sucking on one spot, before he let his body rest on mine slightly.

"I smell how wet I'm making, and you smell good enough to eat." He whispered into my ear making me shutter under him.

He kissed my neck again, making me need him more and more, but when he cupped my breast I felt myself almost lose it.

"Ayana!" I heard my sister yelling for me and they knew where I would be.

Ivan looked up than back down to me giving me a kiss on my lips before he tried to move, but I stopped him.

"After the fight we meet back here." I said and he nodded to me before shifted again and ran off.

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