"Oh my god! It's Josh Dun!!" a girl screamed.

The others stopped and started screaming at me before Violet backed up and mouthed "Distract them!"

I groaned before having one of them begging to have a photo, and I did all the stupid work while Violet got the others in the car before I said I have to go, but they tried to stop me.

Eventually, we got out and escaped that little crazy place of teens trying to be all dark and whatnot. You never know what to expect out of the ordinary with people having weird feelings with others.


We all got to the house before I parked and got out with Sapphire breathing a little heavily.

"Why must you try to fit in with those crazy people?" Jade said all angry.

Sapphire looked at her before walking away, holding her arms together before Jade groaned and looked over at Violet.

"Can you believe her?"

Violet shrugged and said "I had no clue. I thought she was still home."

Jade looked over at me, and I shrugged.

"Man... For once, I just want to be right."

Violet's P.O.V.

Jade usually gets angry, but she caves in whenever I get Tacos for her.

"You want real tacos?" I asked her.

Jade eyes brightened before I said "Go to the corner of the street by where that shop is. It's new, and they're good since Ava called me about it."

When I told Jade about Ava, she winced before saying "Ava... Haven't been able to hang out with her for a while."

"You should."

"Why again?"

"You are best friends with the girl."

Jade gave me a confused look before saying "She didn't reply to my messages after a while, so... I don't think it's a best friend relationship with her, okay? Thanks for the taco place though, I'm gonna go see it. Bye!"

She ran off before I sighed and Josh touched my shoulders before rubbing them.

I touched his hands before closing my eyes and heard him ask "You want to go hang with Tyler and Jenna?"

"Yeppies," I said. "Let's just change a bit. I've been wearing this shirt for two days."

"You worried about that? I've been wearing this one for a week."

I looked at him before he joked and said "Two days too."

The amount of love around us.


"You think a name like Francis is wrong?" Jenna said smiling at me.

"I didn't say that," I defended. "Tyler did!"

Tyler gave me a look before Jenna moved her hair out of the way.

"Why should they spell Francis two different ways? You're just changing the 'I' to an 'E' by gender. They're stupid for that," Tyler said.

Josh smiled before adding "It even sounds like a guy's name."

"EXACTLY!" Tyler shouted and praised. "I swear..."

I giggled before getting a request for another interview.

Why not?

I responded with a good statement on that, and making sure I sounded professional about it.

"Who you texting?" Jenna asked me.

I looked up before saying "Another interview."

Tyler snapped his fingers and said "Same for us too! When?"

"Tomorrow," I said.

Josh rubbed me before I closed my phone and sat back and moved my hair.

"Violet must be one one of the specialist people I've ever met on this Earth," Jenna said.

I giggled at her compliment before Tyler asked.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, look at her!"

I blushed more before Josh added "That's why I am with her!"

We kissed before Jenna clapped for us, and we looked at her before Tyler said "You're just happy to see Josh with someone, right?"


Josh and I continued the session before Tyler said "Don't turn it into a film now, this ain't no adult film."

We stopped once again before shaking our heads at him.

"They're even simultaneously being the same," Tyler said. "They're made for each other."

Josh and I looked at each other before smiling at each other.

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