2 Chapter - Confused!

Start from the beginning



  I run. Run as fast as I could! Didn’t even care that it was raining outside. My feet started to hurt but I didn’t give a shit about that, all I was feeling was that pain deep in my heart, pain that is there since my parents died, day when everyone turned back to me, everyone left and that was my fault, every night aunt would look at moms picture and cry without hearing me but I was there watching her all that time and crying for mom, daddy and all that people I hurt.

  Guess my feet couldn’t take it anymore and I fell. Fell in dirt and water and there was no one to take me, to help me stand up, help me to feel again. Lying there, on cold ground I knew I couldn’t run forever, but I was alone and couldn’t even move forward and forget all that pain.

  I thought I heard voice of footsteps, but who would go after me? No one, because everyone hates me no one wants me there, I’m pathetic, useless..

  And that was fist time I felt warm hand on my cold shoulder trying to help me stand up and hat sweet voice.

  “Come on sweet, get up, you gonna catch a cold” looking up I saw girl in early twenties with bright brown eyes and kind smile in her lips looking down at me. But main question is what was she doing here? Why was she here? How did she know I’m here?

  “H-how d-did you k-new I was here?” my voice came as whisper.

  “It doesn’t matter sweetheart I’ll always be here for you”


“End of the flashback”


“Ella you there?”  I snapped out of old memories and smiled at that, she was my best friend and always will be. I walked along the beach I set on the sand looking at waves that were getting bigger and bigger.

  “Yeah I’m here, I just need to know what you think about one situation I’m in” I said biting my bottom lip.

  “You know you can tell me everything right? Soo sup?”

  “Well I was looking for a job and went to night club I was with Ashley and Kate and met the boss of the club asked if he wanted a waiter or something and he started asking questions like why I needed money and how old am I.. “

  “How old is he? Omg is he hot?” she asked cutting me.

  “Jeez woman I don’t know and you have a husband you do remember that right?” I asked laughing at her behavior.

  “So what? It wouldn’t hurt him if I asked that. So continue please”

  “Sometimes I think that I’m older then you and yes he’s hot with his gorgeous self”

  “And what’s problem then? Ya know it’s his job to ask that king of questions right?”

  “Will you let me finish what I wanted to say?” I asked annoyed with her.

  “Okay okay, go on”

  “So when I said that I needed for College he said that gonna make a deal with me. He gonna pay me five times more then he pays others but… umm Ineedtobehisgirlallsummer..” I mumbled last part my cheeks red with embarrassment.

   “Ella please talk clearly”

   “I have to be his girl whole summer”

   There was silent for a minute and I though she ended call and was mad at me.

   “Mia? You there?”

   “Yes I’m here just was thinking, uum are you sure you wanna do that?”

   “I don’t know Mia, and that’s why I called you. I’m confused and scared he said that nothing will happen unless I want to, but I really need that money Mi. what should I do? I have time to think till 12am”

    “Listen Ella, I know you need that but think about it more okay, he may be possessive if he likes you or psycho or something ..”

   “We just met one hour ago Mi how could he like me so fast?”

  “May be he saw you somewhere or something, well it doesn’t matter all that matters right now is that you need to think what are you in to, if you’re sure that you can hold him and that situation go on and try he can’t force you to stay with him if you wanna quit you can always say and get the hell away from there and if he won’t let you I’ll tell Lucas and he’ll think about something okay? Just don’t make decision till you’re sure you wanna do that!”

  I took a deep breath as she finished talking, I knew she was right and I needed right decision and hope I’ll do right thing.

  “Okay Mi, I gotta go now, I’ll talk to you after I decide what to do, and thank you Mi for everything you have done for me” there were tears in my eyes that were rolling down on my cheeks now.

  “aww Ella you know you’re like little sister to me, I love you girl and take care of yourself, remember I’m always here for you”

I know and love you too. Bye”

  “Bye Ella”

  Looking back at the sea, taking deep breaths I closed my eyes and let my mind take over hoping it gonna know what’s best for me.

Unknowns Pov.

      I watched as one of the Nate’s man come out from club few minutes after the girl I have never seen here before. It was obvious that he was spying on her, but why? Grabbing my phone I delayed boss number.

   “This better be worth of it” He growled in phone.

  “I… ummm .. there’s this girl.. she umm”

  “What girl? Do I look like I’m interested in any girl you idiot?  You’re there to watch that motherfucker and if you can’t do that I’m gonna get you back”

  “Yes sir I can.. it looks like Nate’s man is watching her”

  “What do you mean watching her?”

  “She went in club 45 minutes ago and she just got out from there. There was no man with her and now one of Nate’s man, his name is Alex watching her, I mean spying on her.”

  “Is she there first time?”

  “Yes sir, I have never seen her before”

  “hmm I wonder what she was doing there” there was silent for a minute “ Go after her, and find out who is she and what she was doing there, I want to know everything about her, got that?”

  “Yes sir will do” and he ended call

  Soo what do you think? I know there are many mistakes but still wanna know what you think ... any ideas ?? 

  Let me know lovers <33 

  xoxo N <33 

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