Why did the world have to end? What did the human race do to deserve it? My life was shit before, now running from undead cannibals makes it worse. I feel so alone without my mother. She made me happy. I looked up to her. I totally forgot about my cat Wilbur. He's the only one that hasn't hurt me other than Brianna. That poor cat. He's probably dead by now. My father probably killed him and ate him already. I wouldn't be surprised. I swear, if I get back and find out he put a hand on Bri I will kill him.

I lift my face off of my tear-soaked arm when I hear someone coming up the ladder. I see Layke's head pop up from the hole in the wooden floor.

"Oh hey, I'm sorry I didn't know you were up here." He says as he pulls himself up into the room.

I wipe my eyes, stand up, and start to walk towards the ladder. "No it's okay, I was just leaving."

"Are you okay?" He asks as he steps in my way.

"I'm fine."

He walks over to the hay that Cameron and I were sitting on before, and sits down on it. He pats the ground next to him. I'm hesitant to join at first, but I'm desperate to feel anything other than sadness right now so I sit down next to him. Almost immediately, he puts his arms around me and hugs me. He lightly squeezes me and I lay my head down onto his shoulder. I start to cry and he lightly rubs my back.

It's weird to let the guy you hate make you feel better.

"What's wrong." He asks.

"I just miss my sister."

"I know, you'll see her soon." He reassures. 

"I think I ruined Cameron and I's friendship." My cry becomes more of a sob. I have to bury my head deep into Layke's chest so he won't hear me.

"Why do you think that? Is it because of me?"

I sniffle and pull my head away from his chest. I can't bring myself to tell him yes. I don't want to hurt his feelings. I sigh and lay down on the hay. Layke lays down next to me. "I guess that's a yes."

"I'm sorry Layke. I just don't know what's best."

He pulls my chin towards his face with his fingers. It feels wrong, but I can't pull myself away.

Layke's eyes are heavy. He doesn't look sad, just confused. He leans his head forward so our foreheads touch. He caresses my cheek and rubs his thumb across my cheekbone.

We sit there in silence for a couple of minutes before Layke clears his throat. "Please let me comfort you. I'm not going to try anything." 

I nod.

Layke wraps his arm around me and pulls me close. His body is so warm against mine. I can feel his heavy breathing and it's comforting. Layke starts to play with my hair as I slowly fall asleep in his arms.


"Summer, get up!" I jump up. My eyes squint from the light coming through the windows. I see Cameron standing in front of me.

Where am I?

I look over and see Layke rubbing his eyes. He's still laying on his back. It looks like he was using some of the hay as a blanket. It's all scattered throughout his hair.

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