Irvine and I walked along side each other while the others started to walk off and get on rides. "Hey," I nudged her side. "What's up?"

Irvine shrugged her shoulders, "Nothing. Just tired. I-I'm thinks about calling James tonight, after all of this." She gestured towards the crowded amusement park.

"O-okay, but just prepare..."

"I know."

"Come on you two!" Linnea yelled back at us while waving her arms, Neavia has done the same- mimicking her movements.

"Jag jävlar hatar den här skiten." Irvine mumbled while crossing her arms with a pout.


The next day can I say this? Exhausting? Frustrating? Crazy? Maybe all three. Irvine called James that same night we went to six flags, it did not end pretty. She ended up calling me that same night, crying her eyes out because James said some awful things.

I knew it wasn't a right time for Irvine call, but if I stopped her or cause her to wait even longer than before- she would go into deep depression if she kept acting like the world is always gray. Now she's sad and angry, two emotions I would rather have her feel than depression and hurt.

Irvine sat next to me, her head on my shoulder, legs tucked underneath her, eyes red from crying, and body covered by a comfy blanket as she cradled a beer I brought with me not too long ago. She sighed heavily before finishing her second beer, while I was still on my first one. "I fucking hate this," She mumbled as she cracked open another beer. "I heard Susan killed herself after Jeffery broke up with her, talk about crazy."

"Wow," I simply said while setting my half empty beer on the coffee table. "Don't take James words personally, okay. He's still grieving."

"Whatever," She mumbled knowing it was true. "I just want to get drunk off of cheap beer and Romance drama,"

"While you do that, I'm going to make us something to eat. You need to fill your belly before you take anymore beer." I stated before getting up. I made my way to our kitchen and pulled out every pan I would use.

I started to cook a simple meal- grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup- the only meal Irvine would eat and have it stay down.

"Here you go," I set the plate and bowl down in front of her, as well as a cup of ice water. "Eat up."

Irvine gave me a look, brows raised in question. "You're not eating?"

I shook my head no while taking my spot next to her, "Nope, I'm not hungry."

Irvine frown at me before splitting the sandwich in half and giving me half the piece. "Eat."

I took the sandwich and took a small bite, "Happy now?"

"Yup. Talk to me, distract me from James."

I scoffed while taking a bigger bite out of the sandwich, which is delicious. "Well, your mom gave me another connection of hers; I have to do a portrait painting of this old woman and her six cats." I chuckled.

"Stuck up old white rich woman, I can't." Irvine shook her head while laughing.

"Watch it, in forty more years that could be you- but with poodles and chihuahuas."

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