Chapter 15: The announcements

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A/N: Hey everyone!!! I AM SO FUDGING SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN AGES!!! I cant believe ive hit over 1000 reads!! This means so much to me!!! I have made a place where my story will be uploaded and where all the photos are. Here is the link: SOOOOO. This chapter is going to be MASSIVE because I feel bad that I have left you all hanging on the last chapter!!!!!!! And there is going to be so much drama in this one, break ups, make ups, kisses, marriage and.... The quarter quell. Dun Dun DUUUUNNN!!!! ANYWAYS!!! I know you guys are itching to read it so ignore me and start reeading now!! THATS AN ORDER!!!!!! Lol. Enjoy! Oh and I was just messing with ya with the authors note. That was for the wrong website and I had no more homework so I worked on this for 4 HOURS!!! YOU GUYS OWE ME SOME COMMENTS AND VOTES!!! Enjoy! Oh and one more thing, lol. ok. so. This chapter is probs gonna be the longest chapter you have ever read. It is gonna be HUGEMUNGOUS!! LOL sorry ok here we goooo....

Glimmer's POV:

Last night was amazing! We swam in the pool and then we watched old hunger games. It was such a good night. Although we heard so many screams of laughter last night form Katniss, Cato, Clove and Marvel. They must have been swimming. I woke up to the sound of talking and the smell of bacon and egg- BACON AND EGGS? I quickly get changed and do my hair and run down the stairs. "HELLOOO EVERYONE!!" I shout and they all jump. Peeta turns and glares playfully. "Oh shit..." I whisper. Peeta starts chasing me while I run and all the others are laughing their butts off. I run as fast as I can but Peeta is to fast for me and he catches up to me. "Where do you think you're going Miss Glimmer?" Peeta asks in a fake, scary tone. But me, being the crazy one has to shout. "IM GOING TO GET MY BEGGS, MR PEETA!" Everyone was listening and it was hilarious. "Aww. Not with out a kiss of course!" I say and I kiss Peeta. "Ok lets go get breakfast now." Peeta says after a hot make out session. "Ya" I say and we go down to the kitchen where everyone is laughing at us. "WHATTT??" I shout, trying ahrd not to laugh. "Glimmer." Katniss says looking really serious. "Oh shit...." I say. "HEY!!" She shouts and we dissolve into laughter. "BRRRRIIIIIINNNNGGGGGG. "UGH" Peeta shouts. "Ill answer it lazy butt" Katniss shouts and runs off to the phone. "Oh I'm a lazy butt am I?" Peeta says. "NAH MAN!!!" Cato and Marvel shout together. "NOPE!!" Me and Clove shout. "YES!!" Katniss shouts from in the hall way. "CATO LUDWIG!" Peeta shouts at Cato. "WHAT PEETA MELLARK." Cato shouts back. "ATTACK!!!" Peeta shouts pointing at Katniss. Cato starts chasing after Katniss and Clove and I can't hold in our laughter. "THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT GUYS" Katniss shouts. being chased by Cato. When Cato finally catches Katniss, he attacks her with a million kisses. "On three shout eurgh get a room." I whisper. "3 2 1" I whisper. "EURGH GET A ROOM" We all shout and everyone starts laughing. "Pizza off guys" Katnis and Cato shout together and then resume making out.

*Later That Day*

We have finally arrived in district 1! For some wierd reason Peeta looks nervous when the train stopped. Oh well. When we stopped Katniss held her hand out to Cato and I saw a ring on her finger. It was beautiful!!! 'OH MY GOSH KATNISS IS THAT A RING?!" I scream. "Yup!" She says then everyone starts laughing apart from me and Peeta. "We wanted to see if you would notice." Katniss giggles. Then we get off the train and we walk into district 1. Peeta hugs me. "Im so glad to be home for 2 days!" I say. Peeta laughs nervously. Us 6 walk to the victors village and we have a massive surprise. Annie, Finnick and Johanna are there. We met them when we were on the victory tour in their districts. "FINNICK!" Marvel bellows and runs and jumps on his back. Marvel and Finnick became best of friends as well as Cato and Peeta. "FINNICK!" Finnick shouts. "Oh wait, I was supposed to shout MARVEL!!!!" He says and then stumbles from the waight of Marvel. "FINNICK!" Cato and Peeta shout toghether and then run to Finnick. "JOHANNA!" Katniss shouts and then Johanna smiles and runs to Katniss. "ANNIE!" Me and Clove shout and run to hug Annie. "GROUP HUG" Finnick shouts and we all hug each other. "What are you guys doing here?" Katniss asks. "We're staying with you guys for the rest of the Victory Tour. After that we are all going back to our districts for the Quarter Quell reaping whatever the surprise will be then we will meet each other when we go to the Capitol to mentor the tributes for this year!" Finnick says in one big rush. "Ohh. Ok." I say. Then Katniss runs to Cato and jumps on his back. I see the flash of Katniss' ring and Finnick, Annie and Johanna do aswell. "OH MY GOSH KATNISS IS THAT A RING?" Johanna shouts. I laugh. "What?" Johanna asks. "Thats exactly what I said 5 minutes ago!" I say and laugh. "Oh." Johanna says then laughs. "Ya it is!" Katniss says to Johanna. "Im guessing Cato is the frog you are engaged to?" Finnick says. "FROG??!!" Cato shouts. "Yup!" Finnick teases. Cato pretends to be a bull and snorts. "ACK!!" Katniss shouts. "Oh. Oops. Sorry Kat. Forgot you were on there." Cato says. "Hmph" Katniss snorts. "ALRIGHT EVERYBODY LETS GET OUR BUTTS INSIDE THESE HOUSES!" Johanna shouts. We all laugh. Me, Peeta, Katniss, Cato, Finnick, Annie amd Johanna go to my house and Clove and Marvel go to Marvel's house. Then this nerd who I have hated for years comes up to me. "Hey GlimGlim! You won the games for me!" Larry shouts and runs to give me a hug, "UGH!" I shout. "LARRY GET THIS THROUGH YOUR FUDGING THICK NERDY HEAD! I HATE YOU AND I AM IN LOVE WITH PEETA! NOT A STUPID GOODY BUTT NERD LIKE YOU WHO IS SCARED OF THE HUNGER GAMES!" I shout and he runs off crying. "That should take care of that idiot" I whisper to myself and turn around to see everyone staring at me. "WHAT?!" I shout and everyone laughs. "You are such a badass." Johanna smirks. "Thats right Miss Mason. I smirk back, "Actually im not Miss Mason anymore," Johanna says. She holds out her hand and there is a ring on there. "OH MY GOSH WHO ARE YOU ENGAGED TO?" Katniss shouts. "Well you might know him. He lives in district 12 and I met him some years back when I went on my victory tour." Johanna says. "Who is he?" I asks. "Gale Hawthorne." Johanna says. Katniss turns white and faints. "KATNISS!" Cato shouts and Katniss opens her eyes. "What was that?" Johanna asks. "Gale Hawthorne is my best friend and i have known him ever since I was 12!" Katniss says. Then she runs and jumps on Johanna. "HELP ME!!" Johanna shouts. I laugh. "Sorry Johanna. You're on your own." I say. "CONGRATULATIONS JOHANNA" Katniss shouts and tackles Johanna into a massive hug.

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