Chapter 6: Cato's confession

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A/N Hey guys!! just wanted to say that this chapter is in Cato's Pov! U guys are awesome!! Keep reading!! 

Cato's P.O.V

I wake up excited because today was training and I would get to see Katniss! I smile and see an Avox laying out my training uniform. "Thanks" I say. She nods and walks out silently. I get up and let the cool water from the shower wake me up properly. Then I change and run downstairs for breakfast. I nod and Brutus and Enobaria. I pick up a plate and start eating. Brutus and Enobaria start talking about strengths and other crap but I dont listen to what they are saying. I JUST WANT TO GET DOWN TO TRAINING!! I stand up and say "Im done. Can we go down to training now?" I look over at Clove and she stands up too. I know she likes Marvel from District 1 because I saw her yesterday staring at him on the screen watching the Recap of the parade. We go down to training and we are the only ones there. As soon as we walk in another door opens. Its district 1. I look over at clove and she smiles slightly. "Hey I'm Cato and this is Clove" I introduce. "I'm Marvel and this is Glimmer." He says to us. Marvel and clove start talking about weapons and flirt with each other. I look over at Glimmer. "Hey!" I say to her. She jumps and looks round at me. "Oh! Sorry! Hey!" She says. We then look down at the ground 


Then Glimmer looks up at me. "Just before we do anything I just want to say that.. Well. I don't mean to be mean or anything but I dont really want to get into any sort of relationship with each other because.. well.. um.. I like the guy from 12. Peeta." She stammers. I smile. Perfect!! "Oh thats fine!! because I like the girl from 12. Katniss" I reply. "Oh!!!" She says. Then her face lights up like she has an idea. "Should we ask them to be allies with us?" She asks. By the time we have finished talking all the tributes have arrived and Marvel and Clove are holding hands. I smile at them. They Smile back at me. Then the elevator door opens for the 12th time and Katniss is there! I look at Glimmer and she blushes seeing Peeta. Katniss looks around the tributes then looks at Peeta. She rolls her eyes. Matching uniforms. I laugh silently at her face. She walks round and starts listening to Atala the head Trainer. I catch Katniss' eye and wink at her. She blushes and turns round. I smile and go back to 'listening' to Atala. When she FINALLY lets us go i head straight to the swrods section. I work with a sword for a while but I cant get my mind of Katniss. When I can stand it no more, I go over to Clove to ask her a question. "Hey" She says to me. Ever since the triubute parade when Clove saw Marvel she had become WAY less violent. "Hey. I.. umm. I like the girl from 12 and i was wondering if her and her tribute partner could be allies with us. Don't tell anyone but Glimmer told me she likes the guys from 12." I say. Clove smiles a little. "Sure! I just hope that when it gets down to us 6 we wont have to be the one to kill each other." She say. "YES!!!! Clove your the best!" I say. I stand up and start walking over to Katniss who is at the edible plants station. "Hey" I say to her. She turns around and smiles a little when she sees me. "Hey!" She says. "Im Cato" I introduce myself. "Katniss." She says to me. "Hey i was wondering and the other 3 of us agree, do you want to be allies with us and district 1? Your district partner can be too." I say. She looks over at Peeta where Glimmer is flirting and laughing with him. "Sure! But one question" She says narrowing her eyes playfully. "Why did you ask us? I mean you could have teamed up with any other district. "Ah." I start. "We chose your district because, well, as you can see, Glimmer likes your district parnter and.. I.. Umm. Well. I like you." I stammer at the end. She blushes and says "Well Cato. I liked you since i saw you on the recap of the reapings. Then Katniss stands up on her tip toes and kisses my cheek.

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