Chapter 12: Winners and Killers

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Cato's POV:

Marvel. Thats all I could think of when the cannon went. He can't be dead! Clove was sitting on the floor with Marvel's head in her lap. Slowly she raised her head. "Guys. We might need to move so that the h-hover craft c-c-can get M-M-M-Marvels body" She says thickly. We stand up and Katniss and Glimmer go over to Clove. 'Im really sorry Clove" Glimmer says. Clove doesn't say anything. Oh CRAP. I think. She has gone into depression!! We start walking. "Hey? Where is everyone going?" A voice says. Oh Hell no. It can't be.He's Dead! I turn around and shout "MARVEL!!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" Clove turns around with a shocked expression on her face! "MARVEY!!!!!' She screams and runs towards him. She runs into his arms and kisses him. I go over to Katniss. "Ahh. The lovebirds reunite" I joke. She punches my arm playfully and then hugs me. "All we have left is Thresh or his idiot. One of them must have died." She whispers to me. "Yep. We can go home together!'' I say. She smiles at me and jumps into my arms. "You know I love you more then anything right?" She says. I smirk. "How much?" I tease. "This much" She says an she leans in and kisses me. We start making out. Everyone is. Us, Clove and Marvel and Peeta and Glimmer. Me and Katniss break away. "Have I proved it yet?" She purrs, running her hands down my arms seductively. "Hell yea" I say and we lean in to kiss again. When we FINALLY break apart Katniss decides they should go find water. "Hey Glimmer?" Katniss calls. "Can you come with me to get some water?" She says. "Sure" Glimmer replies. I see her kiss Peeta and walk over to Katniss. They go over to the forest and dissappear. I walk over to Peeta. "So im guessing that Thresh is the one alive" Peeta says. "Probably. I just hope that he will be easy to take down" I say. Peeta nods. We talk for a while and Glimmer runs back looking horrified. "CATO!!!!" She screams. "WHAT?" I shout back. Then I realise something. "Oh crap. Where's Katniss" Peeta says looking horrified. Clove and Marvel come over. They have heard everything. "She- Thresh- Capture- Camp- Help!" She says. Thats all i can make out because she was crying. "Shh. Its ok Glimmer. Where is Katniss? We can go find he-" "NO!!" Glimmer screams cutting Peeta of. She takes a massive shuddering breath. "We were getting water and we were talking and then Thresh came up behind Katniss and held a knife to her throat. He said that you have to go to his camp to get her on your own. We can't go or else she will d-dd-die!" She said then burst into tears. I stand up. "I'm going to save Katniss." I say. "WHAT? But Thresh will kill you!" Clove exclaimed. "I don't care. All I care about is Katniss. And I'm going to save her." It was quiet for a minute. Then we heard screams. Screams from a girl. It was Katniss. "Ok guys im gonna go rescue her now." I say worried about Katniss. "Fine but we are coming. We will hide behind the trees or something ok?" Marvel says. I nod with tears dripping down my cheeks. Glimmer whispers something to Peeta and Peeta nods. Glimmer comes over to me and hugs me. "Cato i'm really sorry. I promise that if you need help when we rescue Kat, we can distract Thresh. I'm really sorry. She apologises. "Its ok Glimmer. It's not your fault." We hear Katniss scream again. I feel my face pale. "Alright guys. Lets go." Peeta says. We set off to where Thresh's camp is. I turn around and nod at my friends. They nod back and go up into the bushes surrounding Thresh's camp. I walk over to Thresh. "Stop hurting my girlfriend you homo" I say. Thresh turns around. "Cato!" Katniss screams. She has knife cuts on her face, neck, hands and... Stomach? Thresh had taken Katniss' top off. I realised what Thresh was planning. "Thresh you are the sickest person in the world. I'm Katniss' Boyfriend. So untie her and leave her alone." I say, disgusted. Katniss was in pain. I could see it in her eyes. It killed me to see her like this, so I got angry with Thresh. Thresh snickered. "Drop the sword or the brat gets it." He says. I roll my eyes. Gets it? Lame. "I will if you will" hoping that my friends will come out to save Katniss and kill Thresh. "Thresh! Leave Cato ALONE" Katniss roars at Thresh. Thresh turns around with a knife in his hand ready to cut Katniss again. I quickly pierce my sword through Thresh's back. He falls to to the ground dead and I run over to Katniss. "Katniss! Are you ok?" I ask. "Yea I'm ok... Well. Not really. He cut me all over and was gonna..." she got cut off and started crying. "Shhh. Its ok. Here. Put your top back on. But guess what! We have won now!!" I whisper. "Guys! We won!!!" I shouted out. Everyone hugged. "Group hug!!" Katniss shouted, putting her shirt on. I go over to Katniss again. "You have a beautiful body" I whisper. She blushes and giggles. "Thanks." Just then the trumpets go off announcing the winners. "Congratulations the the winners of the 74th hunger games! From district 1: Marvel Quaid and Glimmer Rambin! From district 2: Cato Ludwig and Clove Fuhrman. And from District 12: Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark!" Then a hovercraft came to take us away. It was a different hovercraft to the one that took us here with 12 seats on either side. I sat down next to Katniss. Peeta and Glimmer sat together and Clove and Marvel sat together. "I can't believe I won with my super hot boyfriend and best friends! I can not believe it!" Katniss exclaimed hugging me. "I know!!! Im really glad!" I smile at her and hug her back. "I love you so much Katniss" I say to my beautiful girlfriend. "I love you too Cato." She says and I lean in to kiss her. When we break away we talk to others about what is going to happen now. "We have the victory tour in a week after this remember?" Marvel says with his arm around Clove. "Oh yea! Thats right. I knew that we were gonna do sonething a week after if we won the games and we did!" Peeta says with his arm around Glimmers waist. "Yea." Clove says. "I was so scared when the cannon went off because I thought you were dead!!" Glimmer says to Marvel. "You guys thought I was dead?" Marvel says with a fake look of hurt on his face. "Unfortunately yes. And I went into depression for 30 seconds!! I can't live without my Baby boy!!" Clove said. Everyone laughed. "Im not your baby boy" Marvel said. "Yes you are! I looked after you when you were out by putting medicine on your wounds!!" Clove exclaimed with mock anger on her face. "Ok Ok im your baby boy. Am I The only one?" Marvel said. "Of course!" Clove said. We all laughed again. We talked for 3 hours and when we finally got to the Capitol, we were greeted by our mentors, stylists and prep teams. "Haymitch" Katniss whispers beside me and she takes off running into his arms. When all of us had greeted our teams, out stylists took us to our rooms where we would be getting ready to go for our winners interview. I was dressed in a tuxedo and my stylist Cerinila took me to his office. "Cato. You love Katniss right?" He said. I nod. "Yes. She is the world to me" I say. He smiles briefly. "Well. What would you think of marrying her?" He said. I was shocked. I had only known her for a week. "I would love the idea." I say. "Well" Cerinila starts....

A/N: Another cliff hanger folks!! Hows the story going? Plzzzz tell your friends about!! It would mean everything to me and I will love to follow you if you do tell!!! You guys are da BEST!!!

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