Chapter 13: Tours and surprises

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Marvel Pov:

I was lead over to my stylist, Relina's office. "Ok. Lets get straight to the point. You love Clove right?" She says. "Yes of course! I would do anything for my Clovey" I say. She smiles and nods. "Well. What you think about marrying her?" She says. I felt like I was melting. I wanted it more then anything. "Definitely" I say. "Well. In 3 weeks when you go to the victory tour, the first stop is district 3 and then past that until 12 and then its district 1 and then 2. When you are in 2, I can give you a box and you could propose to her then?" Relina says. My hands fly to my mouth. "Yes!!!" I shout. I hug Relina and go with her to get ready for the victors interview. When I go out I see that Peeta and Cato aren't there yet. "You look amazing babe!" I say to Clove. She giggles. She was wearing a blue dress that matched my tuxedo.It was a light blue at the top then got darker down the bottom. It was strapless and had fake jewels over her chest. "Thanks. You too babe" She says. I smile "I got a massive surprise for you when we are in district 2. I really would like to tell you but I can't. I'm really sorry. But you are going to LOVE it. I promise baby" I say. She makes a puppy dog face and its so tempting! But I can't. "Aww. Ok Marvey. I forgive you" She says, pecking my lips. "You would of had to. Because you can't resist this!!" I say striking a pose. She laughs and rolls her eyes. "Of course I would have forgiven you. Now come on. Lets go do this interview!!" I say. I notice that Peeta and Cato aren't back yet. When they come in I go over to them."Did your stylists talk to you about proposing?" I ask. "Yep! When are you doing it?" Peeta answers. "I'm Proposing to her in 2. We start in district 3..." I say. "Yea. Im asking Kat in 12." Cato says. "Proposing in 1 to Glim." Peeta explains. "Cool! Oh and Peeta." I start. "Yes?" He answers. "Take good care of Glimmer. She is like a sister to me" I say. I have known Glimmer ever since we were little. Peeta laughs. "You know I will Marvel." He answers. "Come on. Lets go into line So we wait backstage for Caesar to announce the winners of the 74th annual hunger games!! "This year was a very exciting year for all of us!! 6 winners!! This is a first!" Caesar shouts. The croud applauds and screams like crazy for us. "Lets call them in with the couples shall we? First is the wonderful Peeta and Glimmer!!" Cato jokes to all of us. When the crowd died down Caesar announces; "Lets call them in with the couples shall we? First up is the wonderful Peeta and Glimmer!!" Caesar announces. We all start laughing hard because thats exactly what Cato said. Glimmer and Peeta went up onto stage and Caesar asked them questions about the arena. "Now Peeta. Did anything happen between you two in the arena? Like fighting or anything?" Caesar asks. "No!" Peeta laughs. "I will never fight with my Glimmer. I love you baby" He says. The crowd cheers. "Now for the next pair! May I introduce the amazing Cato and Katniss!" Caesar announces. Cato and Katniss walk out. "Hello Caesar!" The couple say. "Hello Cato and Katniss!" Caesar says. They talk for a while and then its finally our turn to go on stage! 

**Time flash until they get to their rooms in the training centre**

"Tonight was fun" I say. "Yea" Everyone agrees apart from Peeta and Glimmer who were too busy making out to notice us. "Yeah. Im gonna head up to bed now. You coming Clove? I ask her. She smiles. "Of course" We go upstairs and have showers. Clove has a shower first and comes out wearing her blue pajamas. I go in and have a nice warm shower feling the droplets splash down on me. I go hop into bed with my boxers on and Clove smiles at me. She crashes her lips onto mine and rolls over so that she was ontop of me. "Clove baby. I can't do this right now. Im sorry. But I promise we will when we are married. If you want to get married someday.." I say. Clove smiles a little. "Ok baby. I understand. And if you are ever going to ask me then I would definitely marry my Marvey!" She says. I laugh and we kiss one more time before we curl up next to each other and fall asleep.

=*=*=* The Next Day =*=*=*=*

I wake up next to the most beautiful girl in the world. I kiss her soft, plush lips and she opens her eyes. "Thats a nice way to wake someone up" Clove giggles. I laugh. "Oh I know." I say. Then Clove's smile dissappears and her eyes get watery. "Baby? Whats wrong?" I ask. ''Marvey. We are going home today. We won't see each other for 3 weeks" She says quietly. "Aww. Come here Clovely. We can still ring each other!" I say. She dries her tears and smiles. As long as I get to her your voice then I will be fine." Clove says smiling at me. I grab her and we kiss for a while. It turns into a full on make out session. We stop and go down to breakfast. Everyone was already eating. "Have a nice sleep lovebirds?" Katniss teases. I laugh. "YEAAA!!!!! I FINALLY SLEPT WITHOUT WORRYING IM GOING TO BE KILLED!!" I shouted. Everyone laughed. "Yep! Finally!" Glimmer said laughing still. We had breakfast and then headed out to the station where we would be getting the train home. We were on the train and it arrived at district 12 first. I looked at Cato and Glimmer. They looked upset and sad to see their loved one go. 3 hours later we arrived at district 1 where I got off. Clove had tears in her eyes when she sayed goodbye to me. "I'll see you in 3 weeks babe!" I say giving her a hug. I get off the train with Glimmer after she had said goodbye to Peeta.  We walk out of the train and are met by basically the whole of district 1. I wave looking for some certain faces and my stomach gives a jolt. I have found them,. My family. Finally, I am home.

A/N: Hey guysssss!!!! Ok this may dissapoint some of you but I have decided to not continue with the story cuz I am really busy. I am really really 

JOKING!!!!! I would never ever EVER give up on this awesome book! and besides even if  I wanted to give it up (Which I don't) I would have to cancel doing my 3 or 2 other books sooo... Ya!! Enjoy and remember. You MUST vote comment and share it!!! Thanks!!


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