Chapter 10: The Games

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A/N: Hey guys! Chapter 10 already!! Wow! Thanks so much for your reads comment and votes! Please remember to share this book with your friends if you like it!!! Here we go! This chapter will obviously be when they are in the games! Bye my lovelies!! Oh and for those of you who love this book and want more, I have a surprise for you at the end! Dont skip though!! Read the book! Bye! and Enjoy the chapter!


I wake up slowly get changed out of my pajamas. Today was it. Today was the day that I was going in the arena with my new friends and boyfriend. Cato, Glimmer, Marvel, Clove and Peeta. We were all going into the arena as well as the other tributes. Im not scared. I know that i have heaps of friends who will look out for me in the arena. I have a strong, muscular, cute boyfriend who will not let me die in this arena. We all go in. And hopefully, We will all come out. After i finished breakfast I head go to the elevator and stop at the ground floor where I will be going on a hovercraft to the arena. Inside the hovercraft were all the tributes. I saw a seat next to Cato and sat down. "Hey babe. You nervous?" He asked me. "Nope! Not really! I mean i have heaps of friends who will protect me and each other. And i have a super hot, muscular boyfriend who won't let me die." I say. Cato smiles at me and kisses my forehead. "That right Kitty" he says. Kitty was my nickname. I giggle and wait for the woman to place a tracker in my arm. There were 4 rooms in the hovercraft with 6 seats in them. Us 6 took one room so we could talk about whatever we want without having other tributes listen to us. The trip to the arena will take 3 hours so we get comfy and start cracking jokes. I was sitting in between Cato and Glimmer and on the other side was Peeta, Marvel and Clove. We crack jokes for the first 30 minutes and then start laughibg randomly. We talk about our lifes before the games for about an hour. Then we told funny stories for the rest of the way there and by the time we got there we were all holding our stomachs with laughter. Then we got out and had to go to the catacombs where we will be launched into the arena. There I met Cinna. "Cinna! I didnt think I would be seeing you again!" I say surprised. "Change of plans. Come on. Lets get you ready for the games." He says.

Cinna gives me a jacket and some boots and I slip them on. "Cinna. Im a little scared" I admit to him. "Shh." He says gently. He gets something and pins it to my chest. My mockingjay pin. "Thank you" I say quietly. I hug him. "60 seconds until launch" a cool female voice said. I give Cinna one last hug. "Good luck girl on fire. Remember. Im betting on you" he says to me. "Ill see you after the games" he says. I nod and walk into the tube. The tube goes up and it takes me a moment for my eyes to adjust to the brightness.I see the golden Cornucopia with the weapons and supplues spread around it. I look around and see a bow. I then look for Cato. I see him staring at me. 60...59...58... I jerk my head towards the bow. He nods and turns back to the Cornucopia. 23...22...21...

I see Clove, Marvel, Glimmer and Peeta. I nod and turn back to the Cornucopia.


This is it


Im going to live




5.... Five seconds left




1... This is it.

I race to the Cornucopia and grab the bow. I grab some arrows and grab a back and sling it on my back. I feel the bow being tugged out of my hands. I fly round angry and see its Cato. I breathe out in relief. Cato laughs a little. I punch his shoulder lighlty and grab my bow. I shoot a girl who was coming towards me with a knife. Then we suddenly heard a big scream. Glimmer was cowering away from the boy from district 3. I shot him in the back and he fell to the ground dead. Glimmer got up and hugged me. "Thank you Katniss! I was really scared I wasnt going to make the first day!" She said. "Dont worry Glimmer. We wouldnt let you die through the bloodbath." I say. Glimmer grabs a bow and a sheath of arrows and I grab a few more knifes to stick in my belt. Finally when we were finished the bloodbath, the cannons went off signaling a death. There were 11 shots. Cato suggested that 2 of them go and search for food. So me and Cato went into the forest where we went to search for food. "Hey babe. Nice work on getting the guy for Glim" Cato said. "Thanks sweetie. Nice work on stealing my bow and scaring me" I joked. He chuckled. "Your welc-" he got cut off because we had heard something. "What was that" I asked a little scared. "I dunno. Shh lets listen" Cato hugged me. We creeped a little closer not making a sound. "We have to kill them" a voice said. "Yes but they're the careers and the fire people. They wont be easy to kill" a rough male voice said. My mouth dropped open. It was Thresh from 11. The other 5 were people who we didnt know although I recognised the voice of the girl from 5. I had nicknamed her "Foxface." "Well. Lets attack them tomorrow night so its a surprise attack. "Not anymore" I whisper to Cato. He has to stifle a laugh. We quietly go back to our camp at the Cornucopia. "Did you find anything?" Clove asks sitting with her arms around Marvel. "No but listen. We found out that Thresh the guy from 11 has put together an alliance and they are going to attack us tomorrow night." I say. Everyone looked worried. "Well there are 7 people in the alliance so we will be outnumbered but we have more powerful people." Marvel says. "No there are 6 people in the alliance" I say. "But we killed 11 people so there is one more personin there team" Peeta says. "Ohh! No the little girl, Rue isnt in there alliance so shes out there somewhere a on her own." I say a little bit sad. Cato puts his arm around me. "Its ok. She will be fine" he says soothingly to me. Slowly day turned to night and everyone was tired. I wasn't. I volunteered to watch while the others had a rest. Cato insisted that he watches with me just incase. "Katniss" Cato says. "Yea sweetie?" I ask. "You know how on your interview you said you loved me?" he asks. "Yea?" I reply. "Did you mean it?" Cato says wrapping his arms around me. "Of course I did!!" I say surprised. "Good. Because i love you so much. While you live I live. You are the best thing thats ever happened to me." Cato admitts. "Oh Cato. That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me!" I say. I move over so i'm sitting in his lap and I kiss him passionately. When it becomes day the others wake up and say that we can rest, so me and Cato go to our tent and I fall asleep in his arms.

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