With that, he waked straight in front of me, pulled out a knife from his pocket and slit my right ankle.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I bellowed.

He didn't reply. I knew exactly what he was doing anyway. He was punishing me while cutting off my only defence mechanism. Well, one of them. I had my left foot.

"He will be here in 15 minutes. Dare to make a fuss and I'll kill everything you have."

"You already did that, next threat."

He looked puzzled for a moment, before slamming the door behind him.

15 minutes. 15 minutes to escape. 3 minutes to plan, 5 to free myself and 7 to get out. How am I going to get out of these cuffs? I searched around for a needle of some sort, when I saw a metal shim in the radiator. It also happened to be within reaching distance; a 6cm radius of my hand. I managed to take it in my grip. I slid it into the locking mechanism as it ran along the teeth. I held the shin in place with my thumb and pushed it as I used my other 4 fingers to tighten the cuff a notch. The clicking noise sounded noticing me of my freedom, as I wiggled my hand free. I repeated it quicker for the second hand as I counted the seconds. 4 minutes 36 seconds. Nice one, Belle. I slowly stood, the pain from my back returning as I moved once again. I used my extra 24 seconds to touch my back, only to feel bumps indicating the skin had been damaged. The shape of the fucking radiator had probably melted into my back. I scrambled towards the door, quickly scanning the room for a weapon. I spied the belt Harry had used against me the night before, and hastily grabbed it before returning to the door. I quietly and slowly twisted the door knob. A large, built figure stood directly outside the door, facing the opposite way for some reason. He wasn't protecting me, he was watching me. What kind of system is this? It helped me, though if this was one of my men I would be dreadfully unhappy. I silently pulled the door fully open, and wrapped the belt around his neck, pulling him into the room in case he screamed before I got a tighter grip. I felt my teeth grind against one another as I increased the pressure around his neck, using all my strength to kill him, or at least knock him out. He struggled in my grip as he grabbed the belt around his neck, desperately trying to pull it off. I fell back onto the bed, the belt still firmly around his neck, as I watched the colour drain from his face and his struggle stop. I removed the belt from his neck, shoving him to the floor, and buckled it around my waist. I took his machine gun and ammo, dagger and pistol before heading out the door again. The machine gun was wrapped around my neck, falling to my torso as the pistol was held in my grasp. I hid behind each wall, peeking around it for some form of life, before moving to the next. Finally I came to an exit. I slowly opened the door again.


This is their training grounds. I closed my eyes in frustration, before turning back the way I came, less cautious this time. I became much more aware of the slash on my ankle, as my jog transformed into a demented limp. I got back to the room and removed the uniform from the unconscious man with bruising on his neck. I put on his gear - with great difficulty due to my injuries - and pushed the cap down to cover my face before returning to the door I had previously visited. I slowly opened it again, checking for any signs of the men - Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik - I had met yesterday when I first arrived, and decided the coast was clear. I waltzed to the front gate where a man with a snake tattoo wrapped around his neck spoke.

"Number and destination?"

What the hell did that mean? Wing it. Wing it like you're a fucking bird.

"462, Guilding Alley."

He observed me for a moment, I felt his eyes attempting to remove my hat, before he continued.

"Walk on, soldier. ETA 1400 hours, ETR 1800 hours"

I nodded, knowing damn well my expected time of return was not 1800 hours, as there would be no return. I walked forward through the gate, and as soon as I heard the click of the lock I regretted my decision.

I should have searched the place for something. Anything.

As I turned the corner, I picked up my pace, holding the gun in ready position. I could see the exclusion zone from here; the area out with a 4 mile radius of the camp no Intrinsecus was ever to enter in case of death. And yes, I did memorise the rules and restrictions for being a member of the Intrinsecus. As I walked towards the large tree that marked the ending - or at the Terrebit's side, the beginning - of the exclusion zone, I heard voices sound from due south east of me. Normally I wouldn't have cared, it only sounded as though there were 2 of them, however one of the voices seemed somewhat familiar, and I found myself sprinting to the nearest bush, and crouching behind it. As the Terrebit came closer, their uniforms became clearer. The image of a black, circular tattoo on their arm gradually unimpeded. The figures neared, and although they held a badge of the Terrebit, thats when I realised;

They weren't Terrebit at all.

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