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~Meeting Brooke Shields~

Kyree- We were having some space away at Neverland because it has to many memories there and we decided to stay at the Jackson's place instead.

"Bruh, I am freaking bored right now." I groaned just sitting in the living room watching 'The Jefferson's'.

"Well if your bored Kyree you can go outside to do some activities or go out of town. " La'Toya said like she is my mom or something.

"Like what? Tell me what I should do now that Jada is gone?" I asked in an attitude.

"Watch your tone young man. I'm just saying you should try something to get your mind off Jada so that you won't worry about nothing." She said as she grabbed a fashion magazine to read through its selections of styles.

"Alright. I'll give it a try." I told her as I got up and went outside to get my bike and start riding down town of L.A.

I was walking on the sidewalk looking around at boring sights of the 1980's had when things have changed in 2017.

"This doesn't make any sense and the hard part is to tell Jada's family and relatives that she was murder." I said to myself.

When I walked around the corner I bumped into a woman accidentally.

"Sorry." I apologize.

The woman looked up with a masquerade mask on her face as I lend a hand to help her up.

"Your forgiven and I'm actually not like some normal person around here. " She whisper to me as I arched an eyebrow.

"Your not normal? I might as well call the military to come here to experiment you. "I said in an unbelievable feeling.

"Haha, not really like that." She said as she took my hand dragged me around the corner so that no one will see us.

"What are you doing? "I asked.

The woman took off her mask and revealed her true beauty of light skin, brown hair, brown orbs, and red lip gloss on her lips. Damn!

"My name is Brooke Shields and I'm an actress. " she introduced herself.

"My name's Kyree Pitt and I'm in the 9th grade. " I introduced myself as we shook hands.

"I'm very pleased to meet you Kyree and never seen people wear those kind of clothes before. "She said and looked at my clothing as I got uncomfortable.

"It's just that I'm around here like all people are at." I said, as I bit my top lip.

"Oh I see! Are your from another country or city? "She asked.

"I'm from the city and its kinda close to California but a long drive. "I told her.

"Well welcome to L.A. and if you like I am doing an act of a new movie that you can join in." She said, as my eyes twinkle.

"You mean it? What's the movie called?" I asked her.

"The movie is called "Endless Love". If you want to see the Hollywood studios." She insist me into doing.

"I'd be honor to." I said.

"Wonderful! I'll lead you to where it's scene starts." She took my hand as we walked into a long limousine that was much wider compare to Michael's.

"Miss Sheilds, where would you like me to take you?"Her driver asked her politely.

"I would like to go to Hollywood's Movie studio please." She replied.

"As you wish Madame." He said and began driving.

Brooke and I arrive at the studio as I capture a glimpse of some movies: Twilight Zone:The Movie, The Hunger, The Big Chill, and Sharks 3- d.

"Woah! Y'all did some awesome stuff in these acts and stunts. " I compliment.

"Yes and we have been doing a complete series of the movie that it's almost ready to be out in the whole world." She said as she sets down her things and went over to where the make- up artist were.

The scene was where she and her love one were fighting over the drama part. Suddenly I notice that it was becoming more violent than what it seems naturally. Is it me or are they like together in an abusive relationship? The security guard came and took the man that Brooke was rehearsing with was now long gone for now. She ran into her dressing room as I knocked on the door softly.

"Yes?" She asked

"It's me. Can I come in?" I asked her as she ajar it and let's me in.

"Who was that man Brooke?" I asked her.

"He is my boyfriend and an abusive one at that. I wanted to break up with him 5 months ago but he refused to and started beating me that left me bruised and trapped with him." She cries as I pat her back.

"He's gone now and I'm sure the police will lock him up for any charges that he's done over the past and now." I comfort her.

"Thank you Kyree. Is their anything I can do since you are a kind friend?" She asked.

"Well...." I smirked.


"Thank you Brookes! "I thanked her for giving me some of the coolest movies and I kinda told her about the whole murdering thing goin around so we're all good.

I got inside the mansion and saw Tito and Jai'Quan watching a basketball game.

"Hey." I called to them as they waved over at me.

"Where have you've been?" Tito asked.

"I was with Brooke Shields and she showed me around the Hollywood Movie Studios." I replied as Jai'Quan smacked his mouth.

"Man, all I did was do chores around here all day. Remind me to come with you next time." He said in a attitude kind of way that made me weak.

Jealous much Jai'Quan?

~Next Time~

Steady on the gang going on to plan about how they might be able to bring Jada back to life. Ghost whispers are around and try to haunt Nina and Michael in there sleep in other news a demon will be on the move.


~Steady On~

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