Chapter 7

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His silvery eyes scanned the classroom, before landing on me. The look he gave me held such a swell of emotions, yet for some reason, I could almost tell what he was thinking. He stared at me, and I could tell he was confused, concerned and even a little scared. But there was wonder in the way he looked at me as well.

 Our eyes must have only connected for a second, but it felt like hours to me. I continued to stare at him after he had looked away, and had begun telling the class about himself. His real name was Paxton, but he preferred Pax. He had just moved here from Queensland. He didn’t really like sports.

 It was hard to keep focus as he talked- His voice penetrated my ears, but the words seemed to lose their meaning as they entered my brain. I watched as he walked towards me, but it was not until he sat down in the empty seat beside me that I realised he had moved.

 From what seemed like a long way away, I heard him asking what my name was, and, from even further away, I heard my reply. Outside, I made small talk with this new boy, Pax, while inside a tried to make sense of my feelings.

 The moment our eyes had met, the first moment his voice reached my ears, I felt connected to this stranger. It wasn’t out of attraction (Pax wasn’t exactly ‘hot’), and yet it still felt like we were linked. I had barely met him, but it was as if I was re-meeting an old, childhood friend.

 Eventually I snapped out of my daze, becoming more aware of what was going on around me. There was some worksheet we were supposed to be doing, but no one seemed to care about it. I realised that Jamie and Pax were talking, and decided to tune into their conversation.

“…-lly funny! You know, I was wondering… Are you doing anything this Thursday night? ‘Cause I was planning on going out somewhere, d’you wanna come?”

Really Jamie? You just met him and you’re already asking him out? Going a bit fast there, don’t you reckon?

“Well, I’m not sure… Does sound like fun though… Hang on, Thursday night? This Thursday?”

Jamie nodded, the excitement already gone from her face.

“Oh, I’m so sorry… I’ve got plans Thursday…”

I looked up at that. Thursday was the first night of the full moon… Oh well. Probably nothing. What surprised me more about his reply was the genuine regret in his voice. He really sounded like he wanted to go with Jamie.

 As I was pondering the thought, the bell sounded faintly, signalling the start of that blessed time known as recess. I realised how long I must have been dozing for, as it felt like I had only just entered the classroom.

 The rest of the day passed in as much of as blur as the first two hours did. I saw Pax in several of my other classes, but never really talked to him. I still felt the same connection as I did this morning, but I was not overwhelmed by it anymore.

 I pushed it to the back of my mind, however, as I met with Jamie and Kayla after school. We had decided that morning that we would all go to the primary school together to pick up Rose and Lily.

 Feeling slightly more my normal self (whatever that is) I started asking Jamie questions as we walked.

“So, Jamie, what’s up with you and the new boy?” Kay turned her head sharply, as Jamie began to blush.

“New boy? What new boy?” Kay asked, completely confused.

“Oh, you know, Pax. The one Jamie is completely in lo-”

My words were cut off as Jamie hit me over the back of my head. I flashed a grin at her, before pretending to be hurt.

“That hurt! Why would you hit me Jamie? I was only telling Kay about Pax, you know, the one you tried to ask-” Once again, my words were cut short as Jamie hit me. But by now, Kay had caught on as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2012 ⏰

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