Baby! | Sciles | Fem!Stiles

Start from the beginning

"Well! Why the hell did I just see Stiles, running out of your room in tears? Did you break up with her? Scott!"

"Sh-She's p-pregnant."

My mom stared at me with wide eyes.

"What am I gonna do? I can't be a father. But I can't tell her to get rid of it. That's my baby, it would be wrong. I don't want her to give it up either. Mom help me. What should I do?"

She gave me a sad smile and sat down beside me on the bed.

"Come here, hun." She put her arms around me and gave me hug. "Do want to have this baby?"

"Of course I do. I've always wanted kids with Stiles. But isn't it a little too early? I mean, we've barely lived our lives yet."

"Scott, your 20 years old. You have a good stable job, as does Stiles. You both live together. You're happy. What's wrong?"

"We're too young. I'm mean, we're still kids our selves."

"Scott, you love her don't you?"

"Of course I do. She's everything to me," I replied honestly.

"Well right now, she's crying somewhere all alone because she thinks the father of her unborn baby hates her."

Hearing those words I stood up immediately and got my keys.

"Scott. Make sure you don't lose her and make sure she's safe."

I nodded once before heading out to find her. I took my car cause it's safer than the motorcycle.

Stiles' POV

I've been in my car crying for an hour. I don't know where I am. All I can think about is how I'm going raise this baby on my own. 

I know this is dangerous but I can't really care right now. As if fate would have it, a car stopped behind me and someone ran out of it and head towards me. My whole body froze as the strange man got closer. When he reached my door I squeezed my eyes shut waiting what was inevitably going to happen.

An embarrassing squeak escaped my lips as the man pulled me out and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Fuck Stiles. I have been looking everywhere for you." Scott's familiar voice rang in my ears.

I relaxed into hold knowing I was safe. Well, physically safe, emotionally  I don't think so.

Is that why he's here? He found me just so he could finish breaking up with me? Tear pooled own my cheeks quickly only to be caught by Scott's finger.

"Hey, hey. Why are you crying and why did you run out of the house?"

I glared at him and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Because your gonna break up with me and now I'm gonna have to raise this baby all on my own and I don't want to do that!" My voice cracked in the making me curse my emotional state. Tears kept falling down and I couldn't stop them.

He pulled me into another hug and started whispering calm words in my ear.

"Sh..Sh... Sh. It's alright Sti. I got you."

I started to melt into his arms. My sobs turned into sniffles and whimpers.

Your weak Stiles.

"Stiles. I don't want to break up with you."

In a flash, I was no longer in his arms.

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