Lost Days

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We proceed and succeed in sneaking into the Stone Castle Gyges. We make our way through, and soon the room we were in went dark. "What?! What happened to the light?!" Corrin asked. "Stay close! Follow my voice!" I call to her, but got no response. "Corrin? Corrin?!" I call, but still no reply. Soon the light returned, and everyone was still here, just not Corrin. "What happened? Where's Corrin?" Ryoma asked. "I don't know. Maybe this is one of Anankos's traps?" Azura wondered. "I won't be fooled!" We heard Corrin shout from somewhere. "This way." I say, and follow the direction of the sound. We found Corrin after suggesting Azura to sing to get her attention. She came up to us, and told us what happened. "You saw your mother? Here in this dreary place?" I asked. "Yes. I know it sounds crazy, but she told me that ahead is a maze, and that the doors have traps in them. We should trend carefully." Corrin explained. "Can we trust her? This could be an elaborate ruse." I say to her. "She's my mother. Of course we can trust her." She said, and we all followed her lead.

Arriving in the maze Corrin spoke of, we heard a female voice, which must have been her mother. It was very serene, and calm. She told us to open the blue doors if we wanted to avoid the traps. We had Saizo and Kagero go up first so they can lock pick the door. The Vallite look out was very stupid, as we were right in front of him, and he didn't tell any other soldiers. Mikoto said to avoid fighting, so the lookout wouldn't call any friends. Flying by stealthily, we stayed out of his attack range and opened the first blue door. Like Mikoto said, nothing happened. We heard her voice again. "Good job. That was the right door. Just remember. The blue doors, not the red." She said. In this room, there were two guards on lookout. Like before, we did our best to avoid the enemy, but it soon began to block the chest in the room, so we had to kill it. But first, we went to open the next set of doors. Blue again. "Excellent. Now listen close. The last set of doors is different. You will want to open the red doors." She told us. I stopped Corrin. "The red? Didn't she say to open only the blue doors?" I asked her. "Yeah. Her voice didn't sound very convincing." She agreed, and we continue to sneak around. Someone must have started a battle, because reinforcements soon arrived. "Who-?!" "Sorry! I couldn't help it!" We heard Niles' voice call. "Gah! Niles, why?!" Corrin scolded. "Save the lecture for later. We need to take care of these enemies." I say, and transform. Clearing out the room, I fly over to Saizo as he was about to open the red door, but I stop him. "Not the red. The blue." I say. He nods, and moved over to blue doors. He opened the doors, and nothing happened. Like I expected. Mikoto was quite disappointed. "How did you know I was lying?" She asked. "There was something in your voice that didn't seem right." Corrin answered. The boss was nine other than Priestess Mikoto herself.

I move into the the room and wipe out her bodyguards

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I move into the the room and wipe out her bodyguards. She walked up to me, and held up her yumi. "You are a new face. Are you Corrin's suitor?" She asked. "What?! No! I have a girlfriend!" I shout, embarrassed. "Oh, I see. My apologies." She said, and opened fire. I dodged the attack, and since she was attacking from a long distance, I couldn't fight back. Corrin came up to me and attacked Mikoto. "Oh, Corrin. You've come for me, haven't you? Why do you resist? If you surrender, we can all be servants of Anankos together...forever." She said with a sick smile. "Mother...you can't mean that." Corrin said, and attacked. Since yumis and bows can only attack at a certain distance, she couldn't counter attack. Corrin finished Mikoto off by doing a double front flip and stabbed her Yato into the ground. "I'm so sorry..." Mikoto said, and lay on the ground.

The rest of the Hoshidan royal family came up to us. They all see Mikoto laying on the ground. "Mother! I'm so happy to see you again!" Sakura cried. "Oh Sakura. I am glad to see you as well. I had almost forgotten your beautiful smile." She said warmly. "Takumi. I see that you're much stronger than before." She complimented. "Th-Thank you." He said. "Hinoka. You have become so much more confident." She said. "And Ryoma. You've become a great man. A worthy ruler of Hoshido." She smiled. Everyone was crying at the sight. "Corrin. I have something to tell you." Mikoto said. "You are...Vallite royalty." She said simply. "Yes mother. Ryoma told me." She nodded. "I see." Mikoto smile. "But I have a question. Who is birth father?" She asked. "It is...A..." She began to answer, but lost the time, and died right there. "Mother? Mother!!" Corrin cried as she held her close. After a while of grieving, Corrin stood up, and took charge once again. We all continued deeper into the castle.

Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation; The Princess and the CPUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن