Unspeakable World

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Once we reach the Bottomless Canyon, Azura tells us to jump in, and climbs over the ropes. She stands there, and waits for us, leaning forward and dropping down. "If she's not afraid to jump, then neither am I!" I say, and jump over the rope. Corrin followed me and jumped, and Jakob went last. Azura looked back to us, and nodded, as she continued to lean forward and nosedived deeper. I'm not sure what happened afterward, as I, and everyone else, blacked out.

When I came to, my head was laying in Corrin's lap. "You okay?" She asked warmly. "Um...yeah." I say, and sit up. "Okay Azura. Where are we?" Corrin asked. "We are in the kingdom of Valla." She answered. "Valla? I've never heard of it." Jakob said. "None of have, genius." I tell him. "We cannot talk here. Follow me." Azura said, and walked ahead of us, and we followed. Once we inside some kind of canyon valley, Azura told us about Valla. It was a destroyed kingdom that was forgotten, and destroyed by a dragon named Anakos, the current king of Valla. As soon as Azura was going to explain more, soldiers came out to attack us. "We must fight if we want to escape." Azura said, and we prepare to fight. My weapon was a rapier sword, and my fighting style was fast movement. We move forward, and our eyes adjust to the darkness, revealing more soldiers we had to fight. I took the lead so Corrin wouldn't get hurt. I let her and Jakob fight, of course. I wasn't a glory-hog. Plus, me and Corrin made a pretty good team. On the way, we opened some chests and got some nice treasures, as in weapons and items. The soldiers were tough to fight, as they were slightly invisible. All you could really see is a purple outline. "We need to get up there as fast as possible, or more enemies will show up." I tell everyone. "I'll move ahead and clear the path." I say, and move ahead as I just said. On my way, I found more chests and looted them. Nothing too exciting. Finally, once we made our way to the back, we heard loud steps coming in our direction. "Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or is that knight..." Corrin squinted her eyes to see better. "Lady Corrin!" An old man shouted in our direction. "Gunter!" Corrin yelled back. "I was so worried about you. I thought you were dead." She said to him. "As did I. But when I awoke, I was here in this strange land. I mounted my horse and rode on, trying to find my way back. I only came here by chance." The knight known as Gunter explained. "With you on our side, we have the strength of a thousand knights." Corrin said to him, and he charged forward. Defeating literally everyone with, literally, one hit, he cleared the path, and I made it to the boss. I move faster than everyone else, so I took the time to take on my HDD form. Now Thunder Heart, Corrin and the others caught up to me. "Nanu? What happened to you?" Corrin asked. "Oh right. You don't know about this. Where I come from, I'm called a CPU. Console Patron Unit. And this is that. My HDD form." I explain briefly. I have a special skill that let's me wrap to any enemy on the battlefield, and immediately start a battle. I did this, and flashed in front of the boss, and start the battle. My opponent was a Berserker. A powerful fighter who wields axes, and are easy crit. machines. Luckily though, they have horrible hit rates, so dodging his attacks were easy. Zero percent chance to touch me, and my improved speed stat. I strike hard, dealing 20 straight damage. He swings his axe at me, but I dodge, and fly back. For my final attack, I shoot to the left, then to the right, then back to the center, making a triangle and slash my blade through him, ending up on the other side of my opponent. To win the battle, we had to seize the fort the boss was standing in, so Corrin moved over to said fort, and seized it, resulting in us winning the battle.

"Gunter! I'm glad to see you're alright." Corrin said, and ran up to him and his armored horse. "So you're not dead yet, old man? I request you give me back the time I wasted grieving over you." Jakob said rudely. "Still as rude as ever, I see." Gunter grumbled. "Anyway, what are you all doing here?" He asked. Azura stepped up to the Great Knight. "I brought them here." She said to him. "Who might you be?" He asked. "I am Azura." She said to him. "Azura?! I see. You are the princess that was taken from us all those years ago." Gunter said to her. "Yes." She said simply. "I am truly sorry I let that happen to you." He apologized. "Please, think nothing of it." She said. "Hey, sorry to interrupt you all, but we have company." I say to them. In a puff of purple smoke, three figures emerged. One looked especially important. Due to the inability to see her, however, I could describe what she looked like. "Leave. Now." She simply. "Who are you?!" Corrin asked, pointing the Yato at her. "Me? I am just a mage. Now, if you don't leave, I will be forced to eliminate you." She said. "Vallite soldiers, kill them all." She directed. "We cannot possibly beat them. We need to retreat for now." Azura said, and we all ran the other way. Jumping back into the canyon we came from, we returned to our world.

"Well, that could've gone better." I say, as we walk on the bridge over the Bottomless Canyon. "How are we going to go back?" Corrin asked Azura. "When the skies above Nohr and Hoshido change color, the gate will reopen." Azura said in a riddle. "And when is that?" I asked. "Not too long. A month, perhaps." She answered. "Well, we better get some allies. Otherwise, we stand no chance." I say. "Yes. Let's head back to the Astral Plane and prepare." Corrin instructed, and we left the area.

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