The Rainbow Sage

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Arriving at the town where the Rainbow Sage is said to live, I'm not even gonna try pronounce this name, we meet an old man who told us where to find the Rainbow Sage. He could be found in the Sevenfold Sanctuary. It could only be reached by climbing a mountain, and then you had to deal with the Sanctuary Guards. As we make our way up, the Sanctuary Guards were quick to attack and we took them out fast. Inside, more waited. This was gonna be a long fight.

Corrin was exhausted by the ambush, so she said to go on without her, and she would catch up. I take the left staircase and start by taking out one enemy. Unfortunately, since the stairs were so exhausting, I could only move a short distance. Camilla and her retainers followed me, taking out the others in the room. With the walls, we couldn't see how the others were doing, so we could only press on. Elise and her retainers came with us, so we could heal some damage when necessary. The rest of the party went to the right, and we continued to fight on. Once we reach the top, we see that Corrin brought some new allies. One was an Adventurer named Shura, and the other was a Dark Mage named Nyx. "Okay. Let's continue." Corrin said. After everyone else left, I stopped Corrin to ask a question. "What did you want to asked me the other day?" I asked. She removed my hand, and placed it back to my side. "Now's not the best time. C'mon. We need to get through." She said, and climbed the stairs. I followed after, and we soon met the commander of the Sanctuary Guard. He was an Onmyoji, and had a boost in his magic stat. "You did well to make it here. However, only a select few are allowed to meet the Rainbow Sage. I shall test you and see if you're worthy." He said, and manifested a tiger spirit. It hit me, and did some big damage. But overall, I beat him in one shot. Corrin moved up and seized the tile he was standing on. We won the battle with that.

"We won this. The Rainbow Sage should be on the other side." Corrin said. "Wait, sister. I'm not entirely sure. You can't see the other side." Takumi stopped her. "Well, we can't see him if we don't try to go through." Camilla said. "Want me to go in first?" I asked. "No. I will. Thank you for the offer." Corrin said. "Be careful." Sakura said. Without much hesitation, Corrin stepped into blacked out room, and we all followed her. Once we stepped inside, a white light shone and faded. We were back in the old man's house. The one at the beginning of the chapter. "What?! But we were just-!" "Oh ho ho! Calm yourself, young one. This house is connected to the top of the sanctuary. Quite convenient for me." The old man laughed. "You? Wait. Then you're-" "Yes! Yes! I am the Sage you seek." He said and took on his original look. "Hello Corrin." He greeted. "I've heard you have questions for me?" He asked. "Yes. First, do you know anything about the Fire Emblem?" Corrin asked. "Yes. Yes I do. I was the one who made it, after all." He said and explained it. It was the only way we could save the world from our enemy. "And, what about a dragon?" She asked. "Ho ho... You're looking at him right now." He laughed a bit. "Really? Then, you can help us, right?" Corrin asked. "Yes, in one way or another." He replied. "Hand me your Yato." He said. Corrin nodded, and handed it over. After chanting a chant, the Yato began to glow faintly. "Is this the Fire Emblem?" She asked. "No. Merely a piece of it. If you can unite all four of the sacred weapons, the Yato will show its true form to you. For now, this is the Alpha Yato..." The Sage said, and soon collapsed to the floor. "Sage!" Corrin shouted and knelt down on her knees. "I used the last of my power. My time is up." He coughed. "Sakura! Use your rod! Heal him quick! You too, Elise!" She called, but the Sage stopped them. "Don't waste your energy. I've already lived long enough. My time was overdue millennia ago." He said, and faded in Corrin's arms. After shedding a few tears, she stood up, and told us to go back to the Astral Plane. We all followed her back, and we began to prepare for the next battle.

A/N: This part was short because I was feeling lazy. The next one will be longer.

Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation; The Princess and the CPUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن