Mutual Enemies

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After the events in Izumo, Corrin wasn't herself. She was a bit more serious now, and I even see her bow training with Takumi. The whole thing must have been heavy on her. "Corrin." I say to her outside of the mess hall. "What is it, Nanu?" She asked, as if nothing was wrong. "Don't let what happened in Izumo affect who you are. I've noticed that you're acting differently." I told her. "So you did. Sorry, I just...I never saw someone so important to me die before. I just met him, but it feels as if we've known each other forever." She said. "You mean other than your mother?" I asked. "Yes. Other than my mother." She said "Let's just drop the subject. I don't feel comfortable with this anymore." She said, and tried to walk away, when I grabbed her arm. She tries to shake herself free, and looked me in eyes. "You said you would believe in me, no matter what. But now you can't even tell me how you really feel? Was what you said a lie?" I questioned her. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong." I told her, and let her go. "I can leave at anytime, just so you know. Shape up. Move on, and fight. That's all we can do at war." I say, and walk off myself. I could tell she wanted to follow me, but didn't.

Leaving the Astral Plane, we walk our way to a forest. In the distance, we all a smoke signal. "Wait everyone!" She called. "That's my brother's smoke signal." Kaze said. "Saizo's over there?" Corrin asked. "Yes. It means a large group of enemies are coming." He answered. "We need to help him." She said, but Kaze protested. "Lady Corrin, that signal is warning allies to leave the area. It is not a distress signal." He explained. "Kaze, that's your own brother over there. Are you just going to stand here and let him die?" Corrin asked. "No, but-" He was saying, but stopped. "Lord Takumi! Watch out!" He shouted, and jumped in front of Takumi, blocking a hidden attack. "This shurikin. It's a special shurikin used my the ninja of Mokushu." Kaze explained. "Another fight? Let's go." I said, and move forward, and everyone else follows. We enter a thick forest and look around for Saizo. We found him hiding in a corner, with two others. "I'm going to make an attempt to get to Saizo. Everyone else, route the enemy!" Corrin commanded, and we all go to separate areas.

During the battle, I used my HDD form to fly over the trees, and move faster across the board. I made sure to keep Corrin safe from behind. Surprisingly, she didn't notice. At least, I don't think she did. While me and Corrin move closer to Saizo, Gunter led the other party members to the left side of the board, taking out everyone there, and then moving to the right. "Why is the place such a pain?" I asked myself. "Saizo! Are you okay?!" Corrin asked him. "Corrin?! What are you doing here?!" He asked. "We saw your smoke signal." She told him. "That wasn't a distress call." He said. "I know. But I can't let you die. To me, you're a very valuable ally." She said to him. Saizo said nothing, but laughed. "Gahaha! Fine. You got me, Corrin. A real traitor would've just left me to die." He said. "Me and my allies are yours to command." He added. The two, Saizo and Orochi, made their way with Corrin to the commander, the Daimyo of Mokushu, Kotaro. I followed, and took out anyone who would've come from behind. I fly up higher over a door behind Kotaro, and open a chest inside. By the time I looted it, the other three defeated Kotaro, and the remaining enemies. We won.

After the fight, we had to search for a female ninja named Kagero. "Has anyone found her?" Corrin asked. "No sign of her in the forest." Jakob said. "I saw-" "Big sister! I found her!" I was saying when Sakura shouted over me. "Sigh. Whatever." I say, and follow them into an underground dungeon. After untying her from the ropes that bound her, she bowed on her knees. "I am in your debt. Thank you." She said. "It's fine Kagero. But I have a question. Will you join our group?" Corrin asked. Kagero stood up, and her abnormal breasts made a small bounce. "Holy shit. I feel like I've reverted back to a horny teenager." I thought as I stared. Corrin noticed this, and smacked the back of my head. "Ow! What was that for?!" I ask while shouting. "Oops. My hand slipped." She lied. "But you blatantly smacked the back of my head! How does your hand slip?!" I asked. "Does it matter? It slipped. Let's go." She said, and stepped into the Astral Plane with everyone else, and I follow shortly after. If I didn't know any better, I'm pretty sure I heard a hint of jealousy in her voice.

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