Frozen Sea

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I was just hanging out in a tree, when Corrin walked up to me. "Nanu." She said, and I jumped down. "What?" I asked. "I'm sorry about the other day. I shouldn't have said that. I do believe in you. I really do. But, I didn't think I would see that. Forgive me?" She told me. "Look, I'm sorry too. I feel as if I forced you into apologizing. Truth be told, I don't want to leave." I said. "You don't? Why not?" She asked. "That's for me to know, and you to find out." I said with a little wink. "C'mon. We have places to go, right?" I say, and walk past her. "She followed after in a minute, and we were preparing to leave the Plane.

"You said Ryoma is in Cheve?" Corrin asked Kagero, who nodded. "He said he was going to meet a Nohr resistance group, and persuade them into joining Hoshido." She explained. The entire time, I couldn't stop staring at Kagero's abnormally large breast. "This Ryoma guy is fricking lucky if his retainer is so nice looking." I thought. Like before, Corrin slapped my head. "What was that for?!" I asked. "Kagero says you're staring." She answered. "Seriously...? How can anyone not look?" I asked. "Those things are more obscure than Vert's!" I say in my head. "Anyway, let's go. We need to catch a ferry to get to Cheve." Corrin said, and we all left.

We just barely caught the ferry, just making it in time. As we sail over the ocean, I see Corrin standing on the deck. Sakura walked up to her, and spoke with her for a while. Pretty soon, Corrin saw me staring at her, and walked up to me. "Is something wrong?" She asked. "No, nothing. Just admiring how beautiful you were. The wind flowing in through your hair." I compliment her. She started blushing mad. "Shut up. I didn't think I would hear that from you." She said with an insane blush. I smile at her, and soon the boat comes to a halt with a loud crash. "What the hell?" I wondered. We ran over to the railing of the ship and look at the ocean. It was completely frozen. "The whole ocean has been frozen?! How?!" Corrin asked. In the distance, I hear a flapping noise. It sounded like wings. "Come out! I can hear you!" I shout. Afterward, a beauty riding a purple dragon flys toward us. "Hello Corrin. It's been too long." She said with a happy smile. "You know her?" I asked. "This is my older sister from Nohr, Camilla." She answered. "Hm? Who are you?" She asked. "No one important." I tell her. Jakob ran up to us, and stared in awe. "Lady Camilla?! Why have frozen the ocean?!" He asked her. "Oh, I didn't. Flora did." She said, and a maid with ice blue hair hopped off the dragon. "Hello Lady Corrin." She said with a frown. "Flora! Didn't you pledge your loyalty to Lady Corrin?! Have you gone mad?!" Jakob shout at the maid. "Yes. I did pledge my loyalty to her. But an order from the King overrules an order from my mistress." She said. "King Garon put you through this?" Corrin asked. "Yes. If I don't kill you and your friends, then King Garon will put my tribe to death. I cannot allow that to happen." She said, shaking. "I feel bad for her." I say to myself. "Now Flora, are you ready?" Camilla asked. "Yes." She nodded, and hopped back onto Camilla's dragon, and a whole bunch of enemy troops come out from their own ships.

"The whole ocean has been frozen over. It doesn't seem like we can walk on it, but the enemy can. We'll have to wait for some sort of Dragon Vein and use that, whatever it may be." Azura instructed. "But since flyers don't have to touch the ice, they can just fly over it. Reina! Subaki! We're all counting on you to keep them off the boats!" I call to them. Reina was one of Saizo's allies we picked up in Mokushu. Strange I didn't mention any of that to you guys. Anyway, I decided it was a good idea to go HDD and fly over the ice myself. Luckily, since I'm the one flying, archers can't deal big damage to me like they would for Subaki and Reina. The enemies were definitely tougher than the Mokushu fighters, but I could handle them easy. Subaki, on the other hand, was having a hard time. With a surprise attack from behind, the enemies arrow flew through the wing of his pegasus and it fell to the ground, Subaki flying off the mount. "Subaki!" I shout, and flash to the enemy, killing him. "Fall back for now. We can handle this." I tell him, and he nods. "This is so...what's the opposite of perfect?" He said, and mounted his pegasus again, flying to a nearby ship and taking shelter. I fly over to Reina and help her out with one of her enemies. "Thank you. I think you should help Corrin with her fight with Flora." She said. I look over and see that she was handling both Camilla and Flora. I nod, and fly over. But before I could, a dragon flew past me, and a small girl with an axe slashed at me. Luckily I dodged and strike back. After her, a second girl jumped up, and swung her sword, just barely missing me. "Woah. Who are you?" I asked. "The name's Selena. I'm Lady Camilla's retainer." The red haired girl said. Her hair was done in thin twintails. Almost like Noire's. "..." The girl on the dragon said nothing. "Are you illiterate?" I asked her. "No, she doesn't talk much. Her name is Beruka." She said. "Huh. Weird name. Whatever. Sorry, but I don't have time for you, so..." I say, and flash through them, finishing them in one shot. "One shot, one kill." I say, and continue my way to Corrin. Corrin was just about to be defeated, until I jumped into the attack, and block the damage. "Nanu?!" Corrin shouted. "Hey. Need some help?" I asked, and used my Hyper Heal skill. "Thank you." She said, and we tag teamed on Flora, finishing her off and winning the fight. Though we won, Corrin asked Camilla to join us, and she happily said yes. The ice melted away, and the boat started moving again. The two talked about the past, and I even found some of that funny. "Corrin, is it Hoshidan tradition to listen in on the conversations of others?" Camilla asked. "Hearing this, everyone that was listening came out, and faced the two sisters. "Sakura and Takumi? Even Azura and Nanu?" Corrin wondered. "Hey, for the record, I am not from Hoshido." I told her. "Whatever. Anyway, you must the new ally Leo spoke of. It's nice to meet you." She said with a warm smile. "Um, yeah. Ditto." I say, and shake her outstretched hand. "You have a strange way of speaking. Are you foreign?" She asked. "Kinda." I say, as turn to leave, but Corrin grabs my hand. "Stick around. Get to know the family." She said with smile. I only nod, and let myself be dragged away. Once we hit land, we reentered the Astral Plane to prepare for the next fight.

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