A Tragic Start+Winds of Fate

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Azura has been training herself to be a Witch for a while now, and I don't know why. I asked her about it, and she said there was a skill that would really help us. It's call Warp, and like the name suggests, she can warp to an adjacent space next to an ally, and sing to them, giving them another move to do whatever. It actually does sound very helpful. Anyway, that aside, we leave the Astral Plane to continue on when Jakob got word that a nearby village was being attacked by Faceless. And I mean a lot of Faceless. The entire village was covered in them. "What do we do, Corrin?" I asked. She didn't answer just yet, and looked around. "Search for survivors, and take out the Faceless." She commanded. "Got it." I say, and take on HDD. I move around the village, and kill any Faceless that want a fight. Meanwhile, Corrin and the others took down other Faceless and make their way to a small forested area. Inside it, was a small girl, legs trembling. I dash to a nearby Faceless and kill it straight away, making sure they couldn't get to her. I let Corrin handle the rest of the Faceless in her area, so I flash away to the commanding Faceless. With a powerful fist attack, I slash at it, but didn't kill it. He attacked, but missed, as did my next attack. How I missed, I don't know. Very soon, Corrin came up and helped me take it out. "It's over. Now, what can we do about this village?" Corrin wondered. "Leave it... We can't fix it. But now, what do I do? My whole life was just taken away from me." Said the small girl I saw before. Her name was Mozu, by the way. "You can come with us." Corrin said. "Really?! You mean it?! Golly gee, thanks!" She said happily. "Come on. Let's keep moving." Corrin instructed, and we moved to the nearby Eternal Stairway.

We climb the stairway and we're soon attacked by multiple Faceless. "What are they doing here?!" Corrin asked. "Not sure. But we need to defeat them if we want to pass." Gunter said, and charged forward on his horse. We fought, and once they were all down, we saw something. They weren't Faceless at all. They were people. "This can't be. They were just Faceless a moment ago." Corrin said. "Princess Sakura. Can you heal them?" I asked her. "I-I can try." She said and used her Bloom Festal to heal their wounds. We carried them on our backs, and were soon confronted by tribalist. They were from the Wind Tribe. "Halt, fiends! Are you the people who did this?!" A swordsman asked us. "They have to be!" An Oni Savage shouted to him. "You will not be forgiven." Said the swordsman. "You haven't even heard our side of the story." I complain. "Speak. Quickly." He said, sword still drawn. "We didn't know they were part of your tribe until after the battle. To us, they looked like Faceless." I explain. "You think that sounds believable?!" They laughed. "You don't seem to know what situation we're in. We're at war. Anything could happen." I say back to them. "Please, at least let us speak with your chief." Corrin pleaded. "Very well." A tall man with a ripped body came up to us. "I am Fuga. Chief of this tribe. Tell your story." He said to us. Corrin explained to him, and he nodded. "I see. Though this is normally a grave offense, we will allow you to pass. If you can defeat me in battle." Fuga said and super jumped away to his pedestal. "Ride the wind, I guess." I joke. "We have no choice but to fight. Prepare for battle, everyone!" Corrin called, and we did so. Looking around, I could see we have a moving problem. All we have to walk on are these narrow paths with hard wind blowing. To avoid getting stuck, I use my HDD immediately to fly about the map. "Need a lift, princess?" I asked Corrin as I fly by. "Yes, please." She said, and we paired up, allowing me to fly her across the map. Subaki also could fly around, but he wasn't very strong, doing only five to eight damage. Hana was doing the same. Me, Corrin, and Gunter were the only ones doing good damage. And Jakob as well. I didn't want to use my Flash ability to get to Fuga because I didn't want the battle to be too easy. So instead of using it to get to Fuga, I use it to take out anyone else. For the extra experience. Once all the tribalist were dealt with, I used my Flash ability to get to the get to Fuga, but notice someone else with light red hair. I go over to him, and have Corrin fight the young boy. "You're the person who attacked our tribe? You look significantly weaker than I thought. Oh well, I'll just beat you here, and kick you and your friends out of the tribe." He said, and attacked us with magic. Corrin dodged the attack, and knocked him out with one swing of the Yato. "I was wrong. And I'm never wrong." He said, and closed his eyes, only unconscious. Finally, we make our way to Fuga. Me and Corrin separate, and I assist her in defeat him. "Let us see if you are worthy of wielding the sacred sword known as the Yato. Come!" He announced, and we start our attack. We both attack twice and take him out. I stepped up and seized the pedestal he was standing on, and we won the battle.

Once finished, we were all exhausted, and breathing heavily. "Hahaha!! Very good! Very good indeed!" Fuga laughed. "I...am...exhausted..." I whine, and fall on my back. "I can see now why the Yato chose you to wield it. You may pass, and remember to stay true to your convictions." Fuga said with a smile. "I will. Thank you Fuga." Corrin said. "But before you leave, I would like to propose you take Hayato with you." Fuga said. "Hayato?" Corrin wondered. "Don't tell me you forgot me already! We just fought!" He complained. "Oh! My apologies." She said. From what I could tell, Hayato was very stuck up and arrogant. But he had a nice magic stat, so there was that. "Hayato has not had the privilege to leave the tribe in his life. So I want him to see the world with his own eyes." Fuga explained. "Okay. Welcome to the group, Hayato." Corrin welcomed him. "Okay, we're leaving now. Let's go, Nanu." She said. I sat up, then stood up, and followed the party back to the Astral Plane.

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